Welcome, my family!

CovenFirst Path ► Welcome, my family!
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Welcome, my family!
Post # 1
First of all, Nodrk and I would like to welcome you to this coven. You are now part of our family =)

We know you are here to learn your basics in a comfortable, and private enviroment, so I will go over a few things.

I'm going to touch a little on what a coven is, if this is your first time in one.

A coven is a family. We are all here to help eachother, learn from eachother, and respect eachother. We expect privacy here. That is why our spellbook is private along with our forum. We do want to help anyone who is willing to learn, but we want to make it very comfortable for our members.

That being said, what is said in this forum or coven chat, stays here. I do not want to see spells being spread onto the open forums, nor do I want to see anything said here spread elsewhere.

In covens, what is said, done and practiced is very protected. Now, we are teaching the basics here that everyone who is experienced knows...but we also want to help you understand how to be a positive member of covens when the time comes ( if the time comes ) for you to branch out. I assure you, if you break the privacy of another coven, you will have trouble. So I want you to learn it here first.

There are certian expectations in this coven. I expect you to respect all members. You don't have to like them, but I will ask you to respect them. I do not condone censorship, but it is my responsibility to maintain this coven and forum, so I do ask you to not use profanity here. I'll admitt, when you're upset it is very easy to let it slip out...But I want us all to try our best to refrain from that. I owe it to the members of this coven, this site and the admin to keep a positive, filth free coven and that is what I'm going to do.

If you have a problem with another member, please come to either Nodrk, myself or a member of the council. That is what we are here for...to help you. Not just in magick, but in life as well.

While I do not want to do it, disruptive members will be removed. This is to ensure a safe, positive enviorment to learn.

That being said, have fun!! I am a firm beliver that magick should be a fun thing to learn.

And please remember, if you ever need anything at all, the council, myself and Nodrk are here to help you. Be it a magickal problem, or a personal problem.

Welcome to the family! =)

Priestess Healer

Re: Welcome, my family!
Post # 2
well said preistess!

Re: Welcome, my family!
Post # 3
JK is right well said

Re: Welcome, my family!
Post # 4
We hope you will all enjoy your stay here,and that it will be the first steps on your life with magick.
If you kinow people that are either moving to fast,or trying to move without basic knwledge,please encourage them to try it here.
You will find when you learn the basics first,your life with magick will enjoy a lot less stress,and a higher success ratio for the spells you do.Thanks...Priest Nodrk

Re: Welcome, my family!
Post # 5
Yes priestess...err sister?

lol welcome evryone my brothers and sister

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