Have you ever done it!

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Have you ever done it!
Post # 1
Has anyone here actually levitated an object before, If so please write about it I'm very interested!
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 2
To answer your question, "yes". I have levitated objects several times. However there are spells that aid in the objective, I have found out that if the mind is not conditioned rightly the results can be uncontrolable.
The first time I levitated and object, (in this case a glass oil burner) I was able to clear the wooden mantle it rested on by a good three inches. But I had also inadvertanly caused the glass to shatter and released the oil every where. I recommend practicing on something very solid yet light weight, non-metalic. A simple childhood wooden block works great. For some reason (possibly continuity, not 100% sure) metal objects are difficuly to begin with. Yet I have seen beginners in tele flip large tables over with such great force that they actually leave an indented impression in the steel.

Warlock Draco
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 3
Thank you sorry I haven't replied it's because I only saw today there was a reply, Thanks again, do you think a simple lego block would be ok to work with and do you have to have a strong mind, and does meditating help, thanks!
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I tried...freaky!
Post # 4
I tried to move a plastic bottle cap...
I coulden't do it!
Then i concentrated every sense on it and i meditated to...
Then i had this strange feeling like everything is moving away from me...what did i do wrong?
Did I do something else than move them...?
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 5
For how long do you have to practice to try move the object?(2 hours a day for 2 months(Example))
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 6
still don't get it...what do you mean "adapt your skill"?
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Re: Have you ever done it!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
I agree with Draco that the solid wooden play block would be a good thing to practice with as you are trying to move the object through it's own molecules. It's uniformed light weight walled cell structure would make it easier to lift compared to an object that has less cellular structure.
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Re: Have you ever done it!
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I know this is off topic but I love the way this thread has like 500 views and only 6 replies.

I've levitated a few very light weight things but to be honest i've never really perued it because i haven't seen the need, it is very cool but i allways think that i have hands for that purpose, although if you do become good at it then it is very usefull indeed.
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 9
I've levitated quite a few things in my life. Starting off with objects with small objects with the least amount of weight and molecular density is easy. Also psychokinesis isn't the only way you can levitate an object you can try aerokinsesis and levitate with object with wind. But psychokinesis is easier though.
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Re: Have you ever done it!
Post # 10
how to levitate??
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