Want to introduce myself

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Want to introduce myself
Post # 1

I'm Jay, in my early 30's.

I guess I'm here as I'm exploring my spiritual

The main spell I am interested in is
for success in life and finding a job.

I've taken up a new field of personal
training wanting to help others as I've
transformed my body this year.

I am also taking some math and science
courses to help with an Exercise Science
degree I plan on starting in the next year.

I'm looking to preferably get hours in
my Personal Trainer field, or a job to
help while I go to school in an office,
mail room or warehouse.

I've been looking since before the holidays
with agencies, websites etc.... Nothing is
biting and it's got me down.

I am looking to use spells not for greed,
evil, to hurt others etc... Only to help
enhance my quality of life and hard work
that I've put into it.

I am also interested in spells that can
successfully change either the entire body,
or individual parts of the body to what
you want.

Later, I'm interested in increasing my psychic
ability along with telekinesis.

Any how, I will admit I am a total newbie and have
started looking through the website and forum on
my own.

If anyone can also help guide me to the appropriate
spells it would be greatly appreciated.

In case anyone is wondering what my Avatar is, it's
a Red Rutilated Quartz Crystal.

Thank you for your assistance
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Re: Want to introduce myself
Post # 2
whats telekinesis? sorry if i sound stupid i just,really, dont know much......
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Re: Want to introduce mys
Post # 3
look it up on the dictionary.. -_-..
By the way welcome...
in second thought...
n. The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power in another words the object needs to be far away from you and you will move it with your mind.. another term will be
The production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, purportedly by the exercise of psychic powers.
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Re: Want to introduce myself
Post # 4

Just wondering about spells for jub and
career success??

Which one's work the best? People with
the most experience & success?

I'm continuing to read on my own, however,
some insight from the veterans would be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time :)
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