Witchcraft books

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Witchcraft books
Post # 1
Does anyone have any witchcraft book recommendations??

P.S thx in advance..XD
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Re: Witchcraft books
Post # 2
witchcraft book
magical Ritual Methods
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Re: Witchcraft books
Post # 3
Merry meet Ryn.

I am a Wiccan so love Scott Cunninghams books.

I have also found some great stuff in cheap little books that you find on the specials table in bookstores or second hand shops. They have some real pearls in them.

I also go to my library a lot and borrow books and then take notes.

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Re: Witchcraft books
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Just a bit of info Scott Cunningham was not actually wiccan though he did write two books about it. What he practiced was a very basic form of Wicca which is really just witchcraft with pagan beliefs. If you read his books it comes shining through in his words. Most people do not understand that when wicca was first created in the 1950's it was not for those practicing alone, it was a religion based in group ceremonial magic. Scott was a solitary and believed that wicca (witchcraft) should be open to anyone.

The word wicca has been over used since the late eighties. It has become a word to describe those who practice witchcraft. Though most who claim to be wiccan are really just starting there path and this is the first thing they stumbled on to. Later they change and grow and continue on to different types of magical practice.

I suggest reading some books that are not titled as witchcraft but contain witchcraft within there pages. Herbalism and natural remedy books are a great way to learn and understand some of the healing arts of witchcraft. Also books on different mythology contain some craft knowledge as well. If you want another witchcraft author I suggest Valerie Worth, not her poems but her Crone's books.
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