dream interpreter

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dream interpreter
Post # 1
if any of you have questions about a dream or would like help to interpret a dream, just ask and i would be happy to help anyone. blessed be!
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Re: dream interpreter
Post # 2
I had a dream between tuesday and wednesday.. meaning 11pm to midnight.. i was walking down the road carrying a baby. The baby probably was my sister or my own.. the street was two lane, and was up hill. It was a cemented street. It was quite wide, two cars probably will fit in one lane with no problems, to the side of the streets, there were only big trees like a forest, different kinds of trees ^_^. I was walking on the right side line going up hill, (like when you are driving except I was walking. A driver always go right side on the line in the western countries anyways). It was a breeze going on, and then I noticed there were many, I mean many dead people hanging on the trees, not like hang, but like laying on the branches, on the floor, stuck on the three.. most of them were males, I do not recall females, but probably there were some.. while walking I was looking around and covering the baby face. (baby was asleep). Many corpses, in many deteriorate levels.. meaning not all of them were fresh. In any case, I almost go to the top of the hill when my Mom and stepdad appear out of nowhere talking about chicken legs and how many one should eat.. I believe this was because while sleeping I overheard them talking.. so they popped up in my dream just like that... so, they are irrelevant because the moment they appeared.. I knew the dream was over so, I woke up and closed my eyes.. and went to a different place.. hahaha.. now.. Tell me.. what you get from that. (No, I just not watch the happening).
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Re: dream interpreter
Post # 3
Ok. Try this one. I usually do this to myself, but lets see what you get out of it.

I was watching on top of a skyscraper. Like an omnicient being. There was a woman watching the same even I was. A few yards away were several beings. One appeared like a big shadowy blob in the shape of an angel (or something) and the others were golden. I cant really recall what they look like, just that they were up in the air and were made of gold.
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