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Post # 1
Hi every1, I'm here trying to find my path in life!!!! I'm in my 30's and as a child refused to enter into any religion. My Father was R.C, my Mother Church Of Ireland, I then Married a Muslim..I believe in God but not in religion, As a result I haven't had much happiness in my life because my family try to convert me into what they feel is right and then my husband tried the same and as a result of that I seperated from him, I feel that my beliefs are just as important to me as theirs are to them. I have never found any sort of peace in any religion. I have always been interested in Wicca and feel now that it is time to learn more about witchcraft and what interests me and maybe then I will find the happiness that I have been searching for for so long!!!!
Tanx for reading, all help and advise greatly appreciated.
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Re: Hi
Post # 2
I hope you find your happiness since that is what most people are looking for. Well, to begin with you have to share your beliefs, so we can help with it.
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Re: Hi
Post # 3
*APPLAUDS VARI* we are all indeed seeking what makes us happy in life.It sounds like you are seeking spiritual happiness,and on this site there is a big difference in talking religion and spirituality.I dont mean to sound rude saying that,Im just saying that it pays to be carfull what words you choose to describe what it is you want.Also religion for its own sake,wont bring happiness,while being fullfilled spiritually can bring happiness,without organized religion.I hope you find what you seek ,and as you tell us more Im sure there will be those that step to the front to help,,What ever side of magick,or area of religion you choose. there are those here that can ,and probably will help...
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Re: Hi
Post # 4
We'll I'm not religious here are a few words that enter my head when I'm confronted about religion..... War, hatred, Blackmail, Bullying financially, Mentally, Physically.......

I have 4 children, 1 is R.C. The 3 smaller ones r not baptised I don't know what to do about religion with my youngest children. Is there a right n wrong here? Should I get them Baptised? Am I being cruel if I let them grow up to make their own choices!!!!!! I have my head melted because i'm not sure of consequences if i don't go thru the whole religious route with my Children......... Am I just being ignorant and rude when it comes to the choices i make?? any thoughts anybody??
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Re: Hi
Post # 5
I had my son baptized in the Catholic church. I am no longer Catholic, but it is a family tradition and I really see no harm in sprinkling some water on his head, especially if it shuts the family up.

He has no clue who or what a god is, likes church on christmas because he can sing the songs if he happens to stay awake and that's that.

It's not as though I live in a community where he is bombarded with questions of faith, so I see no need to shove religion of any form down his throat...or spirituality for that matter. Besides...if someone started in on him about it, they'd have to deal with me....it would be the first and LAST time, I assure you.

You do what you want with YOUR children. Raise them right, and they will not only find the path that is best for them, but will have the confidence to deal with those who oppose it.
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Re: Hi
Post # 6
welcome to the site xx
i have 3 children and i chose to not have them chridtened/baptised etc. Not even into my beliefs.
I felt it better to let them decide when they are older.
My eldest now 12 chose to be raised as a druid the other 2 still too young.
I think that society puts enough presuure on them at such young ages about religion i do not need to add to it.
My feelings are it is good to have knowledge of all religions/beliefs thus (hopefully) allowing them to make informed choices when they want too.
I teach them about respect for others and nature and the cycles in the earth/seasons but i never push anything on them.

Only YOU know what is right for your children and i (personally) applaude you for helping them to grow into free thinking individuals xx
hope you find your path
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Re: Hi
Post # 7
O_O Well, religions are cool better yet they are AWESOME!!!
In either case, for your kids, you just have to show them morals or what a good person will do or say. Monkey see, monkey do sort of deal. If you talk about people behind their back, your kids will learn that.. -_- so, yeah... religion does have nothing to do with it.. though they give a way to understand the need to behave in such way. I am an agnostic but I am a catholic by heritage, and I will like some day embrace it.. but not yet. Religions are organizations made by man, therefore you do not need to have faith in them.. but to have faith on what they preach. If you do not have faith then you are wasting your time on it. The world in the imperfection of it, you will find the perfection. All the answers that you are looking are within you, but you need to close your eyes.. and open your mind.. and see every possibility, every probability.. think beyond of what has already being shown to you.... and STOP looking for some one to tell you how to live, because everybody (including me) will tell you how to live...and there are always be people telling you all the time.. but at the end all depends on you.
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