spells that work?

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spells that work?
Post # 1
Hi there. I am new to this site. I have been looking into wicca and spells for a while now. I have had many spells cast for me, and have lost alot of money. Nothing has worked (love spells). So, I decided maybe I can do my own. There are alot of spells on the forum, but I was wondering if people could list the spells that actually really worked for them? Any type of spell....
Thanks and hope to hear from you all. Take care.
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Re: spells that work?
Post # 2
I'll list some spell that I know that works.

-powerful wish spell (wicca) -> works slowly.
-wish spell (in the puzuzu) -> works as gray magic.
-Mind changing, a love spell (wicca) -> works with only exactly right kind of candles, if there is a tiny shade differens the spell works but the effect is different... (I had a too dark red candle, and the darker red is a symbol of wisdom, and you can guess what happend.)
-destroy your enemies (a spell in this site) -> works weakly, but it depends on the mood when it's done.
-eye color changing (a spell on this site) -> works a litle, my eyes become a lilte more clear that before.
-the call spell (puzuzus site) -> works.

and if you want a love spell, make the most usual one:
make brierhip tee.
put a litle rosmariny in there
wait 8-10 minutes and then strain the tee.
and then make the person drink it ^^

(and that love spell I made was in finnish, so I don't know the actual translation of it in english.)
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Re: spells that work?
Post # 3
hay lian22 you sad you have a lot spells cast for you and you lost a lot of money can i know if you used any site on the net pls and wich ones ?? thanks
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