interesting info

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interesting info
Post # 1
kay heres what happened:
i was in band class and my teacher told everyone to listen to a piece of music from a movie. . .well when i was listening to it i began to think of christmas. and snow like a winter wonderland. ..and then my teacher said we needed to guess which actor is best known for his movies. . aso i began to think. ..i only thought of two then johnny depp popped into my mind .. .after the music stopped he said now what kind of music did that sound like. . everyone was guessing wrong and the
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Re: interesting info
Post # 2
teacher said that sounds like its christmas and snowing. . .i thought it was just a fluke that i was the only kid who knew that
the second time was when he told us the movie was edward scissor hands i was like okay . , then he said the person playing him is johnny depp . . .i was like that wasnt a fluke . . .its so weird . . i know the answer when i actually dont
whats going on with me ! !
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