Death Wishes...

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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 10
I totally agree with you on the cremation, it seems that so many want to be buried when it is such a true waste. I am not there in that body anymore, why save it? I love the idea of having a special space for people to sit under a tree that your ashes helped to nourish and grow. I think your wishes are totally reasonable and really wonderful. voice them thouroughly and often to make sure it gets done the way you want. bless you and may you live long and happy.
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 11
Aww mikisdarlin thank you so much for your kind words, and I wish you the same =)
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 12
I was thinking, about the tree... I really love Weeping Willows, I just think there such an imporant tree for some reason. Oh and a little humor, I was telling my friend Becka about this, the whole burial wishes and such and she was like, "OMG wouldn't it be like amazing if like you face was like seem in like the trunk of the tree!?!" I really got a laugh out of that... ^_^
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 13
My body is only a shell, so it doesn't matter what is done with it after I vacate. Cremation seems most efficient and cheapest.
Like everything else in this world death has been so commercialized, the cost of dying is ridiculous!!
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Re: Death Wishes...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
I agree with you Crone. You need to by insurance just so you can die. LOL
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 15
Yeah.. funeral cost went up.. -_-.. I had two funerals this week.. for known people.. a friend and a relative.. ^_^ in either case.. I always like to talk about my funeral.. O_O believe it or not.. I want every one to cosplay on my funeral.. *_* they think I am kidding.. but I think that will take care of making it less gloomy and more for what I was.. -_- also, I really do not care what happens to my body after death... #_# so, I just put on my license that it will be donated.. or something.. but it does not bother me if I just become worm food after all.. at least my body will be useful in something.... *_* for science... or for worms.. it all comes down to the same thing.. I will be dead...
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 16
Vari, your funeral sounds rocking ;)
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 17
Hopefully.. before I died.. my ideal funeral will be written so they can follow it as instructions... O_O I do not think I will change it..
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 18
Lol, cosplay?
I don't think the adults will find dressing as anime characters fun..
It would seem inappropriate.. Cosplay on a funeral, lol!
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Re: Death Wishes...
Post # 19
-_- It is all about following the desires of the deceased... O_O I know I would do it if asked.. ^_^ I already being telling people that I will hunted them down if they do not follow my wishes... -_- I mean.. it will diffuse sadness.. it will make it unique and ridiculous.. yet It is not that I want my funeral to be a celebration but more like a conclusion of my life as a dream or some sort.. after all there is no more that they can do for me after dead.. and if they want to atone of what they did or left to do with me.. they can do it in my funeral..I do not have an specific anime or movie in mind.. ^_^ I just want my funeral to be every body expressing who they were when I was around or what I meant to them .. *_*
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