when you have been attack

CovenShadow Craft ► when you have been attack
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Re: when you have been at
Post # 8
if its close to you might be a good idea to do it
better to safe than have some nastys show up in the dream time or bring more with them to your house

Re: when you have been attack
Post # 9
exorsisms are for spirtits within your body not outside of your body...

What you should do is burn insense at your home and clear it up from negative vibes.

Re: when you have been attack
Post # 10
I forgot to say, right after i found the house a black cat showed up on my door and it hasn't left since. Does this have any relevance?

Re: when you have been attack
By: / Novice
Post # 11
I felt something in my house last night! I barley slept. I kept looking around because it felt as if something was watching me! I was a little worried then, but at about 2am GCT I was woken up out of sleep by a long, loud hissing noise. I stayed awake for almost 3 hours after as it continued periodically! Help I am a lttle creeped out! I havent done any spells in the last couple of months, I have not even practiced. What does this mean? Am I being attacked?

Re: when you have been at
Post # 12
Ironically Val and I felt the same thing as there was something walking around here and at her house as well. I lit the candles and cleared the air from the whole coven...I plan to do the same again today.

Re: when you have been attack
Post # 13
A few nights ago i heard a loud THUMP outside my room and an angry growling then i heard my black cat hissing so i got my rifle and went out to check it out and i couldn't see anything but i couldn't shake the feeling that there was something there ust on the edge of my vision, like i couldn't see it but i knew it was there and i could see its shadow moving at the edges of my vision. Since then my black cat has been refusing to sleep anywhere besides outside my bedroom window and it follows me everywhere, do you think it's cos it can see something i can't?

Re: when you have been attack
Post # 14
amaimls can see and hear things that we cant. Sage your house and Put salt in all of the windows and at the front and back door. Backing soda will also do the same thing as far as protecing your home. And then Banish that thing dont let him hang around, if you alow it to say it will start to feel it has a right to be there. Kinda like feeding a stay dog you make it feel at home and it want leave so Banish it NOW.

Re: when you have been at
Post # 15
yes remove it now bro cuz im havein my fourth time to rid this one i have here

Re: when you have been at
Post # 16
Hmmmm...maybe it has nothing to do with this but the cat thing...i have a black cat staring at me from my bedrom window for months now
i give it food and milk...in Egyptian mythology cats are the guardiand of the underworld...they keep the dead from walking the earth

Re: when you have been at
Post # 17
brim its a sort of guardian for you

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