Demon question

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Re: Demon question
Post # 61
Bacca, I am afraid that idea is something that people need to get over. Not everything is possible and truth and reality are not subjective.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 62
Everything is possible. If u put your mind into it and if u believe. Don't ever say something is impossible because I bet some1 who truly believes and is determined will do it
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Re: Demon question
Post # 63
I highly doubt you can make 2+2 equal 7 in the end. I doubt you can jump naked into an active volcano and survive. Magick itself has limitations. You cannot say a rhyme and kill somebody with magick. You cannot Create a fireball in your hand at will and through it, causing a great explosion. You cannot create a cake in front of you simply by visualizing it to appear out of thin air. Cakes don't poof into existence. Yes, there are limitations to just about everything.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 64
Yes but you are missing the point. Magick has been around since the dawn of time. My argument is about demons as this is a demon thread. Normal people cannot understand the limitations of magick and the magickal world unless they have been around since the dawn of time. How can u say that something like a demon befriending a human and inhabbiting their body is impossible. Not even I can understand it. But can't you see that yes there are limitations but there is so much we don't know.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 65
I ever said that a Demon cannot befriend a human. Where do you draw these from? No, we do not have a solid explanation of how magick works on the atomic level, but we do know what it's limits are. We don't know alot, but we have a grasp on how far it can go.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 66
I'm not only talking bout you I'm talking about the other people who have comment on my 1st post
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Re: Demon question
Post # 67
Oh, Please make that more apparent next time.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 68
I apologise yet again
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Re: Demon question
Post # 69
an apple is a fruit and the seeds can be posioness in excess but is fully etable though i would not recomeed eaten them constanly its skin can vary from a scarlet red to a green
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Re: Demon question
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 70
Lets see apples are round they come in all sizes and colors they have seeds inside.
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