The Shadow Sickness

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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 53
By Shadow Lords...Does anyone mean those tall hooded creatures of darkness I sometimes see around...The ones that seem to be made of negativity? I've been trying to figure these things out for ages and have even gone as far as totally purifying my house in an effort to dispell them. I've somewhat succeeded..They try not to be so visible, but I still feel them. Is it just me or do they seem most powerful after an argument takes place, or if you are particularily down on yourself? Anyways, if someone has a take on this, or a strategy against them I would love to hear
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 54
Shadow lords are powerful beings controlled by someone who is stronger than them,however to control you have to be extremely powerful in dark magic(negativity magick)Its not black magic!

but since then i doubt many will find about this.Its really weird why they after ppl without the 9 keys and with those 9 keys...

So be careful out there cuz they have troops outside...wearing black robes!!
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 55
I can 'feel' the shadow lords, but I can never see them,
I dont know what they may want with me but maybe they are
picking up 'traces' of me thinking about ways to beat them,
I just don't get it! WTF do they want with me!!!

Ps: Anyone know any good old libraries in the south west of
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 56
intresting shadow sickness

iv heard of soul sickness and void sickness

soul sickness is were your missing part of your soul and its slowly diying as your missing bits

void sickness if u go into the rift to the other plains its non existing engey and your slowly stop existing over time

there is life sickness
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 57
Paric, the shadow lords are beings who are currently feeling a whole lot of pressure, trust me when i say they won't be an issue for much longer and if you need personal help on it drop me a message, but also, don't waste my time if this is BS from your side.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 58
Just to confirm, this is not BS, (I know the feeling you get
when you feel like someones watching you) this is different its
like they sit in the shadows, watching me, but knowing i cant see them, or do anything to stop them, then its as if they feed off my fear.

BTW what do you mean by "under pressure" and that they "wont be
a problem soon"?
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 59
no prob, we've now spoken on pm and you know you have my assistance if you need it, and yes, they won't be issues for much longer, but also understand that anything will lash out even more violently once it knows it is in danger of nothingness.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 60
Yes these things are real you need to carry protection tallismans and you need to do protection spells.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 61
I was once, connected with the shadows at a time a little while ago. Know some about it and its contents. I once called myself a shadow lord. But that was when I didnt know much about it. I was a fool that year... but enough about me.

Please message me more with every possible detail you can and I will try to work or help with this situation. I know you must be in crucial condition about this situation. Please just understand that, dreams are dreams. Some have meaning... others dont.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 62
Wow, this post is still going! Ulrik's perfectly cured and I'm not really being bothered by Shadowic beings anymore. I've found the faery-elven term for a kindred type of soul sickness called 'Eisha'miai' which corrupts one's subconsciouss and causes them to be literally mindless and unconsciouss, giving a dark spirit such as a demon a chance to posess the human in order to perform a certain act. Once completed the human will regain his/her's soul but will be condemned as a ghost after death.
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