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Re: Satan
By: / Novice
Post # 51
"how very funny, and pathetic, i was speaking to neckron, not you
i have no interest for one like you, and if i did indeed wish to talk to someone as ignorant as you, i wouldve done it a while ago
this was about the belief you and neckron share
but to waste my time on someone as simplistic as you would be foolish,
also, dont be too cocky about the way you look, because you dont look that great, and i can find someone much better
and to proclaim someone spiritual as your husband is quite pathetic, really, you cannot get someone real? s you go make yourself feel better by claiming to have a spirit as your husband, really desperate
anyway, about your belief, thats all it is, a simple minded belief, like all others"

First off...the only thing funny and pathetic is a person who speaks about things he doesnt know and comprehend...Who are you again? No one of importance I can assure you so if you think what you say means something then you are much more delusional then you come off to ignorant...never...I happen to be very smart and dont think that anyone of your intellect can tell me other wise...Also if you dont have an interest in me why not put it here in the thread...instead you pm me this message assuming privacy...thus showing your interest in me...silly child...hehe...Me But it is true that idiots can never understand me or my ideas or what I believe in...Me I just know I look good...LOL...and I really hope you dont want to be with me due to our genetic differences...I dont date unevolved species....Also look at nuns and priests...they are married to their god so yeah look before you speak cuz now you are more pathetic then ever...BURN!!!In conclusion...The only simple minded thing is you...My belief is my belief and I believe that its the best one for me so shove it and BURN!!!
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Re: Satan
Post # 52
Lets say Satan is a stand alone entity.. It is like trying to contact Luis Miguel or Madonna if you are not in their speed dial.
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Re: Satan
Post # 53
HAIL SATAN.. -_- *wonders around*.. too much DBZ going on here.. plus.. SATAN is good friend with BOO.. BOO LIKES CANDY..

^_^ Let's go back to Madonna and Luis Miguel.. yeah.. Satan... right.. it is possible to summon it.. but it is not recommended for few simple things.. One will be that entities with such reputation are best to leave alone.. secondly.. regardless if you can summon it.. you will not know what hit you first.
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