Scrying Spell

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Scrying Spell

Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 6

Once again, Go Cowboy!

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 7

interesting and for those few people that do spells b4 divination and have no problem watsoever recieving their answers wat do you have to say for that because this is not a spell made by me yet a fellow witch who has years of experience in not only spell crafting yet being a kitchen witch and divination techniques but this has struck my interest and i will look further into more paths and rituals to find more views on the subject

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 8
Anyone can lie on the World Wide Web. You came across as if this spell will make you scry. Also, you do not need to visualize what you are scrying for. That really takes away the point for it.

Also, give credit to the original author of this "spell" to avoid any sort of copyright issues.
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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 9

i continued the thread on a new thread by accident

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 10
You can copy it, delete it, and reply it to here. I'm not going to a new thread.
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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 11

i believe she recieved it from a grimoire and why dont you attempt using spell craft in divination and i only sed visualize because those who lack that technique seem to lack a lot of faith that it will work but once you can see your objective and really picture wat you want i find i get better results personally spells and divination has worked for me well (havent attempted it on scrying yet) but i plan on it and i will post my results just incase anyone wants to know how well it works if it does

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 12
If I visualize what I want then I try to scry then I will receive an inaccurate answer. Divination isn't about what you want.

Next time, you might want to try something before you share it.
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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 13

true but whats the fun in that no body and i mean nobody ever recieves the same exact results so if i posted it b4 i tried i wuld be able to get critique and converse on the pros and cons there are far more knowledgeable ppl out there that can help and u honestly helped me out im not going to say i wont still try it jus for a trial and error factor for my book of shadows but thank you for the insight it was more than helpful

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 14

im only here to learn

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Re: Scrying Spell
Post # 15
Praying vs spell.

I could see someone praying before scrying. A spell's main focus is to send off energy outwards to create change. One could perform a spell to bring change inwards in one's self. A form of praying is basically that.

Some people ask for help from spirits/guides/gods/etc. It is not uncommon to perform an opening ritual/spell/prayer before scrying.

Newagers would suggest that a person needs to be open in order to scry. The more open a person chakras are the better. Also, a person should align their energies to higher frequencies, or the frequencies of those they wish to connect to while scrying.

This "spell" that is listed in the Original Post is basically calling for aid. I don't get the "a portal of magick spell" bit. Is it asking to change the mirror into something else?

Why you scry you don't change anything. You allow the connection to come through via your interpretation. Scrying is very much like channeling/medium. By adding in the physical (mirror/tea leaves/etc) you remove some doubt and confusion between what you receive from spirit/vibration/reality.

Disclaimer: I like cheese.

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