The Shadow Sickness

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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 31
Not trying to control anybody? Ha! What's this whole, "need to know basis" thing about? Nothing about it is confidential, you twit. You're just trying to make a name for yourself. MP, It's probably best you steer clear from retards such as these.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 32
why must u insist eith all of this. I was jus sayin bacc then but me and Azil told hiim thats its ok if he told everyone cuz probably other ppl expireinced it too so dont fuccin say shit unless u have all da facts ok. I dont try to control noone but that key is the ticket to our doom so plz shut the fucc up cuz u dont know wat me and Azil know
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 33
but my knowledge is limited. Only the key holders and their family know the most
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 34
i think i have one of the nine keys or so..
its complicated...really been wrap up so
i maybe be from one of those ancient lines...
i`ll check it.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 35
no i`m not.
it becuz none look like a key.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 36
You think I can't say as I damn well please? You can't even form a proper sentence, go die you failure.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 37
LMAO wow that was funny. Im sorry for my outburst earlier but like i said before the issue is deaded so u can waste ur time and go hard if you plz. But this arguing isnt gettin us anywhere
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 38
And why are we arguing? Because you and your "rules" are smothering us, and your attempt at controlling the situation will not stop. Now, lets continue.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 39
Srry for being controlin as u say. Now as u said lets continue to tell ya the truth idk any healing spells to help Ulrik but you guys have to know som kind of Protection spells that can protect you. I would send my dragon but it cant get too close to you. I tryed to send it but she said that she couldnt get close so idk wat i can do.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 40
The Conjuration "XILQA XILQA BESA BESA" or "A Most Exellant Charm Aginst the Hordes of Demons" etc.

Arise! Arise! Go far away! Go far away!
Be shamed! Be shamed! Flee! Flee!
Turn around, go, arise and go far away!
Your wickedness may rise to heaven like unto smoke!
Arise and leave my body!
From my body, depart in shame!
From my body flee!
Turn away from my body!
Go away from my body!
Do not return to my body!
Do not come near my body!
Do not approach my body!
Do not throng around my body!
Be commanded by Shammash the Mighty!
Be commanded by Enki, Lord of All!
Be commanded by Marduk, the Great Magician of the Gods!
Be commanded by the God of Fire, your Destroyer!
May you be held back from my body!

I'm not quite sure if it works just yet, it would be best if it was tested before it was used in the field.
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