Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?

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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 31
the reson why gods are guarding the book is because on of the goddes wants to have the books that is why thy have not given the task to a lesser being
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 32
You cant reach the books astrally. you can travel the astral plain astrally. The spiritual plain is only to be reached by spirits. You probably cant even read the damn books ya know. It is a little thing called faith no one is going to get the books..BTW it isn't 2011. Its 2012,12 21 2012 to be exact. thanks.-Ryan
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 33
I don't think anybody can access the book at all until, either the war has started or until the end of the war.
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 34
you may be right jahbulon
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 35
So im did i see this book then...was it just me dreaming of things on another plane? idk bc charmedguy08 u said that u cant project to the astral plane, but i thought i was projecting...hmm....well i dont remeber anything after the book but u could be right idk wat do u guys think?
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 36
i think the gods that protect the books sent you a vision of the books.
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 37
Actually, if they want to the Divine can place the book into the possesion of someone with great magick like...MagickPrince. His family was entrusted with the key after all(plz dnt ask about it) so he should be able to handle the book...Well my point is the Divine can pick who they want to enter the Spiritual Realm to get the book
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 38
Okay, lets say the Divines have placed the book in the care of somebody extremely powerful. Why would the rest of the family, and the person's descendants carry the same power? Same for the key, is the power needed for the protection of the key passed down through MP's bloodline?
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 39
O.k let me try to break this down for you guys. Good and evil is a balance you cant have one more powerful than the other or the world will fall apart. There is a council of Elder gods and High ranking demons this is why there is war and poverty in this world. So together the council works and that is why neither side will be allowed to gain a significant advantage. The hollow is also guarded by this council. Good nor evil will get the books the last time one side was able to get the books well lets just say Egypt and the Egyptian empire fell. This is what I know to be true from the text of my coven Hereditary Witches so you dont have to believe it. This has been passed down for centuries. Blessed Be. -Ryan
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 40
yea...there cant be more good than evil or evil than good. It works against the universal law if one is greater than the other. And if there is, than the universe will do anything and everything in its power to create the balance. If there wasnt any balance in the world we would all be dead (for ex. scientists say that earth is in the precise spot for life, any closer to the sun were fried, farther...and were frozen....perfect balance. So that is probably why we cant read the info inside that book, because it would definately (like ryan said) throw off the balance (unless a demonic book was read while the good book was read). But even if that would be really bad because the balance would tip back and forth because the good magic and bane would tip the scales so to speak. Because i belive the book i saw was the "good version." And somewhere out there in another plane there is probably a bad one in equal power. Maybe someone reads the bad book or good one and this might start the "war." Because nature would try to create the lost balance by creating volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, sickness....etc. And this could possibly wipe out most civilizations like the great empire Egypt.
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