is this site satanic?

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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 29
This is all I have to say...

Magick can be Satanic, depending on the spells you use. If you use spells that summon demons (or Satan) Then yes, it's Satanic... Christians believe that when someone casts a spell, it summons demons... I find that the biggest piece of bullshit I ever heard. If that's true, why do we have demon-relinquishing spells? Witches aren't evil, aren't worshipers of Satan, and are of good health economically.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 30
I heard if a Christan witch/warlock entered or approached a church, they would be struck by lightning for entering God's House.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 31
Cruelty I say...
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 32
I know what I said can't be true. I've been to church before. Of course, not for many years.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 33
It says in the bible that when Jesus entered a witch's house, she knelt before Him and began to kiss His feet. It was said that He forgave those who studied magick, but it was never proven.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 34
Jesus forgive everything because he is a savior
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 35
i'm just wondering because one of the spells says "by the power of the devils" now i'm christian and i don't want to get into anything about is this site satanic or not?

This site is for folk to open their minds to their power and to learn how to use it responsibly.

Historically there certainly was a Jesus but there is no satan.

I'm not sure what devils are alluded to but they really don't and cannot exist.

Satanic stuff, folk that think they are devils or gods, invocations that somehow summon up vague, unrealistic and non-existent beings have no place here and only serve to frighten the uninitiated.

It is you that has the power.

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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 36
greylights, this is concerning your post.

"This site is for folk to open their minds to their power and to learn how to use it responsibly.

Historically there certainly was a Jesus but there is no satan.

I'm not sure what devils are alluded to but they really don't and cannot exist.

Satanic stuff, folk that think they are devils or gods, invocations that somehow summon up vague, unrealistic and non-existent beings have no place here and only serve to frighten the uninitiated.

It is you that has the power."

this site is for people to open thier the possibilities of things unseen existing.

you cannot say there is definitely no satan, for the same reason you cannot say there is definitely no cant disprove it.

how can you be enlightened to the use of magick, and then sit there and say that indefinitely, there cannot possibly exist demons.

do you believe in angels? guardian spirits? spirit guides? anything that you have no proof for, yet believe to exist?

demons can exist. as god can exist. as angels can exist, as any creature can not saying though that because you cant disprove them that they definitely exist, im only saying that you cannot rule out the possibility

how can you say that satanic "stuff" as you put it, is only there to frighten the uninitiated?? summoning demons is a practice that goes back hundreds of years, not making it true...yet, it is not vague, when you summon a demon, you know its name, its characteristics, what it does best.....very specific.

again, i find this post of yours quite fraught with bias, and very little factual points.

if you would like to try to repost to rebut what i have stated, by all means....go ahead....but it will only result in you looking quite more foolish than you have to.

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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 37
I’ve been in visual contact with angel entities and demons, don’t know if that helps though. I believe in a Jesus, and I believe he has an opposing entity, whoever it is, Satan (?), that’s my belief, my current goal is to seek answers from unworldly entities of the creation of life, before I die, to hear it from the horses mouth themselves.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 38
you cannot say there is definitely no satan, for the same reason you cannot say there is definitely no cant disprove it.

how can you be enlightened to the use of magick, and then sit there and say that indefinitely, there cannot possibly exist demons.

do you believe in angels? guardian spirits? spirit guides? anything that you have no proof for, yet believe to exist?

demons can exist. as god can exist. as angels can exist, as any creature can not saying though that because you cant disprove them that they definitely exist, im only saying that you cannot rule out the possibility

Thank you for your post.

This is the whole crux of the matter. I know how to do magik and how the process works.

I will not deny demons can exist in the minds of those that believe. The mind of man is a very powerful force and if indeed, god given, then has, by default, to be the most powerful force in the universe. In my youth I did experience certain things that couldn't easily be explained, particularly in the seance period of my journey.

Fact is I have used magik for serious issues and never once has it failed me. And each time there were no demons involved. Perhaps my magik works because it only ever involves the human, but more importantly I know how and why it works.

Folk that wish to mess around with devils and demons are sadly missing the wonders of what magik can achieve. They wish to live in a dark state. Why? Well of course that is their choice but they are seriously missing out. It only ever seems to be a power thing.

I will answer 'do I believe in angels'? Yes. I believe in god. Not though the god of the Jews, the Muslims or the Christian. Apparently, by dictionary definition, that makes me a heathen. I use the word god only for identification.

I know there is a force there; used it to more than satisfaction. Somehow folk involved always seem to come out better than foreseen. And I've been in a few situations where this force has used me as an angel. Much against my will I have to add. So thus I do believe in angels; only in the sense that this is you and me, used by the force, the creator, god, whatever, to use us to better someone. Mayhappen this was the result of a spell or deep yearning by the helped.

The force, or by whatever name, yes. Demons and devils? Nah!


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