Some information I found

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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 26
ok there is way too much written so i can't follow so please dont get all mad on me...
anyway...i've heard that the Allways (tampons for women needs)
have clorine in them so that the women using it would get cancer
on their vaginas ( NOT FUNNY ) so that they can't have babies!
can you imagine that?
that's how they literaly MAKE people have less children so that the world isn't over populated!
and in our town about 20 years ago there were 3 men trying to poison the towns water supply with some very rare and deadly poison, but they were cought.
when they were on trial they said they were hired by the goverment but no one believed them.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 27
Never heard of that but it sounds interesting. Can you give me more details?
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 28
lol this thread is funny. and the info Brim gave was quite interesting. And its not that this whole theory is stupid or dumb but honestly if someone has a theory or opinion let it be. There shouldnt be a need to publicly announce that YOU think its stupid. I believe some of it really is real and IS possible of happening as we speak and than again i believe some of it may be farfetched. but i do not in anyway think its stupid. and if i did i wouldnt say so. it could hurt someones feelings and feelings really are a delicate thing. so next time just...think before you type. lol. thanks
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No Subject
Post # 29
werry intresting...
but fluoride is in allmost everything, so why we are not resistant?
*U know all about evoliution thing* ;D
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 30
Ok I'm going to rewind back to the "theory" (If you like that) the government wants us dead. I disagree with anyone who has this opinion for anything. Think about it if we were dead they're would be no one to rule over we're useless to them dead. I think they want a stronger power or something else...
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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 31
The tampons thing is an overstatement to an extreme. Yes, some tampons, most reputably the bigger companies, use chemicals in the processing of the fillers (what absorbs all the stuff) just as it is processed for cotton balls. However they also use other chemicals to inhibit the growth of bacteria and make it more absorbant.

There is speculation that it causes diseases and some people have had reactions to it I believe, however there is no justification for a 'scare' about this since the available info is LARGELY speculation and people speculate about everything.

Basically, it all comes down to personal choice, as everything does. There are people who claim that corn that's been genetically improved will kill you, when it's simply not the case.

There's no scientific study that I have ever seen that proves or even suggests strongly that tampons are out to kill you. As I posted on the first page, this information is largely speculative. The things about flouride are true but the facts are that the gland calcifies naturally and its act of calcifying has nothing to do with your death. Once you're through with puberty and it has fulfilled its purpose, it begins to calcify at an extreme rate and there appear to be no side effects to this. It naturally has a lot of calcite deposits and is one of the largest concentrations of it in your brain.

In my opinion this thread has absolutely nothing to do with magick. It is simply another government conspiracy thread, that feebly attempts to relate to magick in an attempt to stay on topic.

The person who related the gland to the third eye existed in the 17th century, so your attempt to claim his speculation as proof is truly, truly feeble indeed.

If you want to talk about government conspiracies go to a website dedicated to such things. It all comes down to this- Stop b*tching, or do something about it. And b*tching is NOT doing something about it. Organizing protests and revolts is doing something about it. Campaigning or overthrowing the government, these things are doing something about it.

B*tching is a waste of everyones time, trying to instill fear and hatred amongst people by turning them against themselves and against their government. It's the same tactic used by the Catholic church to make people hate anyone non-Catholic, they started rumors and propaganda against those types, spilling lies and deceit among the people to turn them against one another. The same one I'm sure they used to get the leverage to modify the Bible- Yes, the current one in print. Doesn't matter if you're Catholic or not, that's what you're reading.

Fear mongering has no place here, surely.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 32
I agree DG, that tactic was also used by Hitler to cause people to believe Jews were inferior.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 33
It's "proven" that the pineal gland has an effect on age throughout your entire life :-)
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Re: Some information I fo
Post # 34
And please explain how the gland's effect on puberty and aging verifies everything you've said?
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 35
I never said it did! To be honest with you believe or don't it doesn't effect me, I couldn't care less! I've given out the sites of were you can get info on this so look it up! Oh and to elaborate the government use Fluoride to lower are physcic abilities NOT to kill us!
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