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Re: troll
Post # 24
Luzifer you have to admit you have trolling tendencies. Be honest with yourself. Look at the emotional responses to several of your resent threads and posts. You are just proving the point to the idea/fact that you may be a troll.

I know you like to point out how people are wrong and you want to help them correct their actions/thoughts but you tend to be brash in your attempt to be helpful.

A moderator asked you to be nicer in your posts and removed one that they felt was a personal attack and all I see is that you are attacking that moderator and others who share the opinion.
Can you not take constructive criticism of your own ideas and actions? Is it that hard for you to say, "Yes I was wrong and I am sorry if my words hurt another. I will try to better myself and change?"

Are we not all here to help each other grow and learn so that all of us can be civil adults. I am sure many young people here on the site look up to you, for you do try to help in your own way. Your way is not the only way or the best way. My advice learn to see your mistakes as clearly as you see other people's.
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Re: troll
Post # 25
Troll is like a nasty creature.. so I will see you as an elf.. ^_^ and I will see myself as a fairy.. Yeah I know.. I am bias.
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Re: troll
Post # 26
ok akasha heres my thing, i do Not get emotional, i haven't asked something that should get overly emotional, i was simply asking for all the mods opinion. that is who should be posting here. im glad some people feel so strongly about my position here. but that was not what my aim nor goal was. and it was NOT to disrespect a mod, originally i did not even say who the mod was.

heres my big issue with your post though.

you said

"moderator asked you to be nicer in your posts and removed one that they felt was a personal attack and all I see is that you are attacking that moderator and others who share the opinion.
Can you not take constructive criticism of your own ideas and actions? Is it that hard for you to say, "Yes I was wrong and I am sorry if my words hurt another. I will try to better myself and change?"

i never attacked that moderator, point out ONE spot where i personally attacked the mod in question, but i can point you to a thread where this mod has called me not only stupid, and childish but inexperienced.

heres the thing akasha, i was Not wrong, and i am NOT sorry if my words hurt another, i speak truth, its not always beautifal, but it is the only thing worth living for. why should i chage? should i start lying to make others feel better?

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Re: troll
Post # 27
no troll hear
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Re: troll
Post # 28
"Luzifer you have to admit you have trolling tendencies. Be honest with yourself. Look at the emotional responses to several of your resent threads and posts. You are just proving the point to the idea/fact that you may be a troll.

I know you like to point out how people are wrong and you want to help them correct their actions/thoughts but you tend to be brash in your attempt to be helpful." - TheOneAkasha
And you may be one too.
And so I may be one as well.
If I'm one, everyone has.
If you call constructive criticism trolling, then heck, how do we help people?
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Re: troll
Post # 29
im not a mod and this will upset many of you as it has but i like Luzifer very much he is no troll.... he has always tryed to help keep the topic on the topic.... as of reading what i have read it makes me worried if i can freely post hearing all your tearms its seams like if i give my opinion on anything i might be a troll if i post to offten with to much to say that may not agree with someone else i might be a troll.... this is a big matter that should not be taken lightly as im not the only one reading this..... and do not blame this on Luzifer it is not his doing everyone posted here :)........ and no he should not get banned from this site and he is no Troll !!!!....
but as you said im not a Mod, im no one just a voice
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Re: troll
Post # 30
I'm a Mod and I DO NOT FIND YOU A TROLL!!!!

You talk the truth, blunt but straight to the point and a very honest member to this site.
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Re: troll
Post # 31
yes this is true for what i see you are not a troll nor have trollish behaver as the person said is very true to lose you is like losing you magic it would be sad with out it
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Re: troll
Post # 32
I dont know what others think but i didn't get any bad or negative vibes from Luzifer ever...
and from what i've seen, he likes to explain things to the members here and tell the truth which is pretty rare on this site today and i can see that he is very knowladgeable and willing to share no i dont consider him a troll or a bad dude...and about the green stuff, hell...if you wanna do it it's your choice and to some, that's the only comfort they get so i dont judge him and i dont even have the right to judge i say Luzifer is a good guy.... *finishes rant*
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Re: troll
Post # 33
Mery Meet Luz

I do widh you had not posted this as this sort of thing looks bad for new comers.

You are a good person. You are the High Priest of my coven and I respect you for that.

I don't know much about the moderators on the site but I do wish they had some more mature people who can come into such a debate as this and maybe shed some light on it.

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