Spiritual Weapons

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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 21
works out of the ap also
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 22
its common for those of the psionic schools of thought to manifest constructs. aside from the psiball the weapon of psi is the most commom manifestation of the psions energy.

If you have the capacity to make a psiball, you have the capacity to make a simple or complex weapon of psi just as easily.

the key is knowing what works for you, visualisation tactile or just plain Doing it.

These are all methods used to achieve greater constructs.

A simple way of looking at is is: i want __ so the psiball Becomes___ because it is an extention of my Will.

Psi is malleable and moldable.

If you can create a psiball, hold it in your hand.

Feel the surface area that it has, and hte pulses of energy that race through it.

think of what shape ypu want to manifest (sword of simplistic sake) and you can then will the psi to slide and change shape until it becomes longer and rectangular.

The better you picture what you want the better and faster this works.

you may not see it ever, as psi is normally unseen. but do not let this stop you.

If you can make a weapon of psi Here, in teh astral it will be a passing thought.

Of course expect a psi weapon made astrally to be a bit more solid there, then a psi weapon made here.

sensitives will feel it and its presence. a non sensitive will feel pain after, and will usually blame arthritis or a rash, as the area typicly stings and turns red and irritated.

with practice it is possible to recall an Exact psi weapon with a thought, as you have created it and "put it away" for later.

and of course various energies can be applied to it for varried effects, but that falls more into the vein of direct magic enchantments.

Which, of course is highly similar to construct programming.

i hope this cleared up a few questions
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 23
there are alot of diffrent types

as flagg said psi balls or aura balls
there are aura bows or souls bows.

aura bows are a form of ones own power that forms a shape of ones own mind and one can act like its real and use it like a real a bow e.g pull back the string and a aura arow will form and let go.

soul bows have stages that are made from your soul not aura so u get all your powers into this bow.

aura swords are hard as some thing are not use to others auras smashing into it so the sword mit disaper at once if your not use to it.

aura shilds are easy easy way be make a large psi ball or aura and move it with one hand across the other arm and let it stay there.

daggers would be wast of time and imaging just use aura/psi balls.

wings there not easy to do and need a feel of all your body to be able to move aura from your back and out your body and still feel it so it mit take a hour to make one.

armour be useless just make a bubble of aura all around your self.

wipes be as hard as wings and be as anowing as swords to use and prople move to fast for your sences to keep up.

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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 24
actually you can make something out of psi that lasts. its called making a construct i believe.

and yes, depending on what you want your weapon to do, you cann effectively hurt an opponent with a psiball depending on your energy, and your opponents energy.

it all depends.....and what you must remember is that psi is what we all use to do magick.....so it affects people all the time.

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