remarks from a moderator

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Re: remarks from a modera
Post # 21
mmmm that last bit was confusing. What i meant was " for providing valid information "
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 22
This is getting udderly ridiculous. So there is a few things to be said.

1. I sign as well, for the site should not have people who try to pull rank or let the power go to his/her head. So for this Powertrip guy I say this. Shove it. Learn to allow people to give criticism because it is needed. Luzifer is doing nothing wrong.

2. For all those who were not informed. Luzifer will not be on as much because he got in trouble with me, but I got off easy because I was at work when he got caught, and he was ratted out by someone we both thought was a friend.

3. Luzifer, if you ever read this, Cinko thinks he did nothing wrong in his actions to "tell the truth" as he put it. He said, "He couldn't help it cuz mom was hot."

Feel free to kill him Luzifer.

Others, I would like to thank you all for the awesome support of one of our most notable members.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 23
Luzifer, you have my support also. Everyone has a right to their opinions.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 24
I sign too. Just when this site was on its way bacc up, someone had to pull us down further then where we were before. So I want to ask can we get a list of all moderaters. This way we can see who is foreseeing the health of this site. Its important that EVERYONE has a say on this forum.And no-one should shut up for being blunt. The only exception is when people start to spam. That should be the only reason for the Mods to take action. Other then that, this site has been running smoothly.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 25
You have my support as well....I think they are being rather childish.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 26
I agree with Luzifer, I sign.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 27
I can't believe that so many people would want to ban a moderator who is being fair. All the moderator wanted was to stop personal attacks on others. What has happened is an all out attack on the moderator. If you are constantly agrueeing with a person about what they believe then you are attaking them. You are tring to force your beliefs on that person. This is a form of bullying. It is childish and shows how many younglings there are on this site. There is a reason that in a democracy you can not vote about leaders until you are a certin age. Most places that would be 18. So the question in my mind is why would anyone not want to be moderated by someone who wants us to be nicer to each other. That is what all the great prophets have said in the past. But then again all the great prophets where over the age of 18.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 28
I completely support you Luzifer, I have nothing to add other than my support everything that needed to be said has been.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 29
Hmmm I must say I agree with Luzifer. This whole situation could have been handled better but I don't believe Luzifer did anything wrong. And to the moderator, Luzifer is not ignorant! He posts from knowledge. -Catty
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Re: remarks from a modera
Post # 30
Younglings? Ok, Jedi Master KTS

Have you actually looked at the thread? Bacca has been pretty rude in retaliation to Luzifer when he's just trying to set things straight. Facts are facts.
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