The Shadow Sickness

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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 21
I like how trav is trying too hard. :D
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 22
i have had a dream simila
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 23
Excuse me Jahbulan did you jus say i was tryin too hard....Anyway magickprince if you cant cure him then there is nothin you can do. The Shadow Lords will destroy everything close to you in order to get to you. Im not tryna be harsh but there might be nothing you can do but to save yourself but if you can help him do everything you can do to help him
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 24
Yes I did. Trying too hard to gain control over everybody and sell the idea that you are the ultimate wisdom, barking out orders and what not. By the way, it's Jahbulon.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 25
jahbulon you are right to say that but you can`t do that...
who knows if trav`s wisdom is going to be in those in need..
and yea trav..try not to bark orders could just think of another way..
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 26
I'll have to explain in full detail about the Shadow Lords and my key: the Shadow Lords were once a righteouss race of magickal creatures, called the Skarrist, but during the early periods of the Middle Ages, evil warlocks and witches began summoning Skarrist priests for dark purposes and the priests soon spread their corrupted darkness throughout their whole race! The leaders of the Shadow Lords were then banished to a high spiritual realm known as the 'Lost World' the key I posses is one of nine that a family is decreeded to guard and can unlock the portal to the lost world and free the omnipotent Shadow masters, however, not even the Shadow Lords themselves know when, where, how and by who the keys were created, but if the leaders are freed they taint the universe with vile darkness.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 27
I'll have to try an extremly powerful healing ritual to save Ulrik, more powerful than the magick that the Shadow Lords posses. Does anyone know one?
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 28
that could be why they were telling meto give them the key and why they keep trying to attack me. My visions on the shadow lords are real becasue i had a vison that i would be attacked this weekend and i was. andevery time i look or hear the word key i think of a gold key with green at the handle of the key with weird writeing on it but i fell like i know this writeing. i feel like this has all happened before. And i was looking at things that could possible give me answers. i found one of the songs i have intresting because it was based on dark wicca ways but every time i listin to it my powers get stronger and it all ways says the word key in the song. I fear that i am the next target on the shadow lords list.
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 29
i often have some visions/dreams where i'm fighting along with a shadow aginst the peopel i know...does anyone know what that means?

(sorry for my bad english but i'm from denmark)
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Re: The Shadow Sickness
Post # 30
Why shouldn't I say such things? trav is irritating, this is his warning. My religion permits me to do as I please to stop any annoyance if it continues after any way that says, "Stop it". His wisdom is pointless, anybody could provide the same information he mindlessly tosses out. Hell, his wisdom doesn't even exist. Now, for once trav, could you kindly shut up and let the big boys handle things? Thanks.
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