holy bible

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Re: holy bible
Post # 21
i beilve the bible teach one how to live a good life book it does have is truth and it lies but about revelation i beleive and i beleive its coming soon
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Re: holy bible
Post # 22
Well I'm not Christian but I believe it to be something like a history book with fiction mixed in there. It also seems to be a book of "morals" for people to follow.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 23
I dont see whats so holy about it, its pretty adult. I think children shouldnt be able to read it at all.
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Re: holy bible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 24
The bible is a book of fables, but then again all stories about gods are as well. "God" didn't write a book and leave it here for us to find because to truly understand "god" you can't read it in a book. Books can only help you gather ideas to form your own opinion on what "god" wants you to do.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 25
well all of you better sit down cuz this is gonna knowck ya down if ya dont! FAIRYTALES MY ASS! try me ... everything in the bible historicaly wise has been proven to be true! Noah's ark for example has been found. so has the army of dead Egyptian soldures and chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea. and the Bible gives perfectly good explanations of how they got there.
The Garden of Eden..yeah the bible gives the exact location of it and it includes the names of countries and rivers and seas that western civilization diddnt even know existed till about 800 years ago. The wars and battles that have been documented historicaly in the countries of Egypt and all of the countries allong the meditteranian sea have also been written in the bible before the countries themselfs ever thaught to write it down!and if you look close enough..many of the prophecies in Revalations have came to pass such as Isreal officialy being made a country. and the wars between Isreal and Palistine and it also predicted the rebirth of the babylonian empire (palistine). the bible also predicted the enourmus genocide of the Jewish nation (the hollocaust) the bible has also predicted that (wormwood would bring about the end of the world) and Scientist have recently discovered and astroid orbiting the sun named wormwood and it is predicted to strike in 2012. That is also predicted to be the end of the worls in the mayan callendar, and on this site!. pluss the bible doesnt disproove tha lagitimacy of witchcraft or magick. it actualy aknowlages it. so if you are calling the bible a (fairy tale) then you arecalling everything you stand for a fairytale. so people please KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU POST IT!
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Re: holy bible
Post # 26
The bible is one of the most sublime.. no spectacular... no.. amazing...no sweet.. no awesome.. OK.. I do not know what word.. to get.. outrageous? O_O.. hahhaa.. THE BIBLE IS ONE OF THE BOOK MOST PEOPLE REFER TO!!! plus it has awesome quotes for each occasion... Anyways, now that i have stated that I am bias in this matter... let's continue..It does not matter if the bible should be in the fact or fiction section. What matters is what people learn... and people actually learn things from it.. for better or worse.. they learn. Yes.... they do... hmmm... proceeding.. The book of revelation is one of the most awesome book in the bible and one of my favorites... because as far as I can remember the person is talking in either the past or present state.. which suggest many things.. but most of if.. the best saying that applies to this.. "THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW (their)HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO RELIEVE IT"
Of course, this is one of many theories..that everything in the bible is figurative speech.. this is debatable.. ...more to say.. not all can be literal.. but then again.. GOD is almighty.. ok... let me go back to history.. if revelations is talking about something that was happening at the moment the book was written.. it can be said it is the past (present) or future.. after all.. in many occasions.. situations are similar or looked to be the same.. (talking in numerology this is not right.. since it can be similar but never the same.. it does not repeat itself)
Forgive my babbler... I am on sugar rush.. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE... back to topic.... this is all left into speculations.. we cannot know... the exact form the bible was written... but we can all come out with millions of theories.. ^_^ after all that is why we got brains... And God is not in the big pictures but details..
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Re: holy bible
Post # 27
Hey folks, after collecting all the informations and opinion we shouls say that bible contains Pre-History,HISTORY,PROPHECY,SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE,WISDOM, THRUTH and also the most needed key knowledge abt the ORIGION OF LIFE. we should also say that it is the basis of all true knowledge no other book in the history of man reveals (as princezuko5 has wrote).SO in a way it gives details abt us.... what we are and god's intended purpose for all mankind. People stay fit and happy... cos' life's not tat bad though sometimes it 'SUCKSSSSSSSSSS'
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Re: holy bible
Post # 28
"FAIRYTALES MY ASS! try me ... everything in the bible historicaly wise has been proven to be true!" - Princezuko5
Give me non-biased news articles NOT BY CHRISTIANS to back up this
quote, a WOODEN BOAT would have been disintegrated over... 2000 years at least, because Jesus appeared 2008 years ago and Noah was from the Jewish section of the bible.
"Noah's ark for example has been found. so has the army of dead Egyptian soldures and chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea."

"The Garden of Eden..yeah the bible gives the exact location of it and it includes the names of countries and rivers and seas that western civilization diddnt even know existed till about 800 years ago." - The bible you know about was written 400 years ago, manipulated by the Catholic Church you DOUCHE. 1600 AD something the COPIED bibles were translated.
HOW many years do you think it took to PERFECT an exact copy?
I hear its 1 little mistake and its restart the whole friggin copying the book. HOW many COMPLETE bibles were there?
How easy was it to change the bibles with the power of the Catholic Church?
Christians are just Rebel Catholics, nothing more.
The Catholic Church made up the bible, blinded Christians.
"many of the prophecies in Revalations have came to pass such as Isreal officialy being made a country." - Dude, all blocks of big lands were going to be made a country.
"Scientist have recently discovered and astroid orbiting the sun named wormwood and it is predicted to strike in 2012." - Give me article + seriously, an ASTROID does not mean NUCLEAR MISSLE, it means a CRATER in the Earth.
"That is also predicted to be the end of the worls in the mayan callendar, and on this site" - A major change, this site says a huge change in 2012, not everyone dying.. Seriously read all the psots.
"the bible also predicted the enourmus genocide of the Jewish nation (the hollocaust)" - Did it predict the Crusades?
"pluss the bible doesnt disproove tha lagitimacy of witchcraft or magick. it actualy aknowlages it." - Don't try to suck up to others, it doesn't work, and with this great quote, are you stupid!?
Leviticus 19:26 -
" 'Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. " 'Do not practice divination or sorcery."
"Palistine and it also predicted the rebirth of the babylonian empire (palistine)." - What's wrong with the Babylonians? Jeez, what the bible says is right and wrong, if you QUESTION you're going to hell. What kind of NICE religion is that!? Prejudice against other countries for a religion... That is seriously screwed up.
"so people please KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU POST IT!" - You are SUCH a hypocrite..
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Re: holy bible
Post # 29
O_O.. I feeling lack of attention.. *_* WHAT ABOUT ME!!! Sir_prize... -_- no answer for me.. ^_^ hahahaha.. (I know.. I like attention)
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Re: holy bible
Post # 30
Vari's too smart.. and randomly funny to be bagged out.. =]
I feel like PrinceZuko5 and Zephyr04 are going to gang on me, like most debates, its usually the minority of numbers that gets hammered like a dog.
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