Guess whats this is?

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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 3
2018 - the nuclear war will start, following Nostradamus.
2019 - just commonplace crush of the Earth with the 2002 NT7 asteroid.
2020 - following the prediction of John the Baptist, Isaac Newton counted that the end of the world will occur exactly in 2020

so what do you think?
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 4
wow um...........where did you get all of this. honestly even if we did know the end was coming what r we suppose to do .stop it ,hide from it. i've read some of the end-of-the-world rumors to me is a bunch a crap ,but whatever jus what i tink :)
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 5
well im an indigo child me lucky i guess :D
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 6
I'm an indigo child also that's pretty cool
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 7
indigo children ftw!!! w00t l0lz
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 8
what are indigo children? i've never heard of it before :P

well, to the posting.. i can't wait! lol..
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 9
I just compiled it lol i get those from wiki/forums/famous predictors and many other places.. And thats the reason i dont believe in such.. Those compilations just proves that theyre making a wild guessing game of the end of the world.. Which is funny for me thou for me its really gonna be the end of the world for the believers coz theyre gonna end up in the hospital mentally retarded because of being paranoid coz of the so called end of the world...
And oh ill make my own prediction
2021 - another bunch of religious groups/cult/predictors will make another bunch of end of the world theories from 2021 to 2041 -.-
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 10
lol, this is cool
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 11
?_? I still think the most probable year for the end of the world is 3797.... or some where in there.. O_o so that lives me with more than a thousand years to do what I am going to do... but does not mean that the human race will end as well.. ^_^ probably we will be some where else... In any case, the end of the world is when we close are eyes and we give our last breath (O_O well only for those who close their eyes in their time of death) that is when our world ends (well ones own world in any case)
and most people are exaggerating... 2012 probably is the end of the world as we know it but not its existence... *_* so that leaves me with more possibilities... every thing is changing and... probably for the best... ^_^ the earth has to work its way around to keep the ecosystem going...@_@ but Nostradamus never predicted the end of the world... that is a misunderstanding.. that many individuals have...

*_* but we got time... I am not dying before my 50's any ways, unless I want to die younger.. O_o I can change that.
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Re: Guess whats this is?
Post # 12
I agree with you there variados no one could tell exactly whats going to happen and i must say and we must accept humans are getting intelligent each day and science is evolving i know they are already prepared of the things to happen so i would just say leave it to the authorities... Theyve got enough knowledge to solve a problem
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