My Theory of Stone Henge

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Re: My Theory of Stone He
Post # 16
It was created by the druids. The feat of getting the stones from wales to salisbury plaine was emense as not sure of the milage but its quite a way and then to get the stones in the posistion there in now thats dedication.

Also a lot of leylines meet there and its an incredible powerhouse. If any of you ever get the chance to go then do it. Have been there on the summer solctist a few times now. Even when i think of it a tingle goes down my spine lol.

I'm actually quite fortunite to have a sacred stone cricle in one of the parks near where i live. Even though its not as impressive it has a lot of power to it.

Blessed be LadyO
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 17
r3in Wicca wasn't offically considered a religion until 1939. However, it is considered the oldest faith.
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i made it
Post # 18
i made stone henge
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 19
i knew it, i knew it, lol
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 20
actually....wicca isnt the oldest religion...wicca is only one form of knows what the oldest faith was....but wicca did spawn from it
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Re: My Theory of Stone He
Post # 21
archeologist allready discovered that it was a place where pagans practicing sun rituals
they all so discoivred that those poeple was living in territory which was marked as the place of the dead and the place of the living
Stonehenge was at the territory of the dead
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 22
i said that already....woodhenge is the place of the living
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 23 died...that bites
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 24
and now it lives!
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Re: My Theory of Stone Henge
Post # 25
I've actually heard what Nite said. I believe it was a history channel special? Any ways, wicca is not the oldest religion and is adapted from paganism. Wicca is more of an old method with fresh ideas and practices. Also, when wicca became an official religion, many sub-groups and catagories were created. Now we have quite a few different types of practices such as the coven witch, kitchen witch, solitary witch, celtic wicca, caledonii, alexadrian, eclectic, dianic, gardnerian, pictish, seax-wicca, and tons more.
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