The Shadow Lords

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 131
i think we may be in a bit of trouble. everyone has said that the shadow lords are in our dreams but last night i had a dream, bear with me, it was me and someone else in this black expanse. i cant remember what they looked like but the figure extended its had towards me and wind grew up behind it. i jumped forward and as soon as the wind hit me i heard a door slam and imedietly woke up. this was unusual because i am almost compleatly deaf and should not have heard the door. also i know it had been open because i have this thing at the bottom of my door to prevent light cominhg in and it had moved in the way that it does when my door is opend. also my stuff had been thrown around the room as if by a hurricane. this is concering because it could mean that the shadow lords are begining to reach into the physical realm. whhats also concering is why they attaked me, im not powerfull and do not know that i am significant in any way. tell me what you think as it could be important.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 132
I don't know much but, maybe they think your dreams could cause them trouble. Did you hear the door in your dream or real life.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 133
i dont know. i know i shouldn't have heard it in real life so it could be in the dream, but it seemed a lot more realisitic in the sence that i felt the vibration in the air as i normally do when a door slams. not very helpful im afraid.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 134
Since I got to Florida I've been seeing shadow's out of the corner of my eye, and I was all alone at home even inside the house my dad and sisters see them too and my dad says there's more in orlando. might not be relevent though not, especially not to your dream. unless you think otherwise.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 135
Not everybody has the same understanding of the subject so there will be different reactions, and it’s socially natural. Apparently there’s different opinion of fact, who’s going to clear all this up? I’m not going to ridicule someone because we’re not of the same understanding and education so I’m welcoming all responses. I’d like to know facts of the matter, that’s all. I want to know about the shadow lords, which is interesting but without an official fact compilation. I’ve read through it, just can’t understand it.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 136
I think it's hard to understand because it there is very little fact in this thread at all. I really thought this thread died a long time ago... Anyways, back on track. To me personally, it seems like a fantasy a few people put together. Now that people read it, they have it in their minds and of course they are going to have dreams about it. If you have something on your mind and are pondering it, your going to start seeing things...your mind will start to play tricks on you. I personally do not think they exist as was told to me by a guide, however, this is just my opinion and doesn't mean I'm right...
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 137
I truly believe that there is a war upon us. I hope my magic, although at this moment is limited to nature element spells can help. I will willingly help fight and hopefully help win this war against the shadow lords when it does come. We will need to be organized and ready. If it does come soon. I am ready to fight along side my coven and all others. we will win.

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 138
wow ive had a simaler dream so a great war is about to unfold in our own back yards maby not this genration but surly the next prepare your selves where in for hell
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 139
I will help in this war im a master at healing magick and a mid level black magic user
im extreamly good at banishment and even destroyin deamions

also i can focus my engry in to both of my hands and use them as wepons i can throw them but only a short distance
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 140
ive had a new dream where i saw another shadow lord this time though i was hidden some how as it walked right by me but to what this means im not sure ill try to figer it out
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