My big one problem!..!..

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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 12
Its a long process and takes time.
In indian tantra its a mandatory field of expertise.
If anyone wants to know how to start kindly ask.
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 13
hi kunalroy....sure plz share ur views abt meeditation
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 14
Its a vast topic my friend.
There are various levels in it.
I am into power meditation at the moment.
I cannot just writre it down over here. It needs to be explained in a systematic manner so that it can be understood, tried & practiced. Many a times we wonder why our craft doesnot work....Most of the times its because we dont have patience!
Everything takes time. Meditation is the foundation to develop and focus the subconscious mind to channel energy and make things happen.
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 15
I am above 25 dear friend!
Would not feel comfortable in sharing personal details without knowing someone though...
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 16
Yes Rabitt! That is a good form for beginners to start with.
Do go ahead with it. It will help you focus more efficiently and concentrate, will cleanse your breathing etc. Breathing is the key to Life and Meditation helps in self awareness (energy, power, etc within one self) They both go hand in hand. Pranayama is a basic and wont harm you in any way. I donot depend on websites for yoga. My Guru has taught me well and I have been practicing for a long time now. Continue it and gradually you will start to feel the effects.
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 17
I couldn't agree more as swimming can only be learned by getting into water and not by books same is YOG or YOGA it includes the binding of ones energy ,channelin it throgh and linking 2 a higher power...its majorly an INDIAN science...perfected best in guidance of a GURU...safer 2
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Re: My big one problem!..
Post # 18
Maybe you can check out if there's an Art of Living chapter in your area? I have my own criticisms with the philosophy but I remember the practice was very satisfying -- the basics of yoga and meditative breathing, etc. (But I can only hope it hasn't lost some deeper aspects by becoming widely accessible.)
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 19
well.i think d learnin of a subject always needs a teacher ....once u have been introduced 2 d science u jst need 2 practice it nthin else...u can also teach it 2 others personaly but gettin it via net or book may cause of living is a good option ...dey introduce u 2 pranayam,dhyan and other sorts of concentration techniques....its basically peace of mind dey endeavour 2 achieve...
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 20
just as technology is an arcane meant to be used by everyone, no matter what religion or race, the same goes with the arcane of magic.
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Re: My big one problem!..!..
Post # 21
when i am meditating, i inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. the more relaxed i feel, the slower i inhale/exhale.
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