Spiritual Weapons

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Re: Spiritual Weapons
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Lol. I haven't read any of those books actually. I've read up on most of the authors you mentioned as well as some you didn't. I should very much like to read at least a couple of them. Definitely magic:white and black.
Cartoon ideology? Not so much. But this stuff sounds fun. :D
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 12
I can't get my hands on any magical books Fautus. It's just a thought that maybe psi could be manipulated into weapons in the AP.
Nothing important...
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 13
Go to google book search and type in Franz Hartmann. You will find several of his books including Magic White and Black as well an even better book The Life and Teachings of Paracelsus, also that other book Fourteen Lessons in Hatha Yoga can also be found there.
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 14
Here is something that I bet most you didn't know which is why reading is such a powerful force for spiritual growth; Contained within the universal sum of the creation as we know it within the entirety of its scope, there lies an invisible influence that is impossible to detect via carnal speculation. It is the source of not only all that which is, but also that which was, and shall forever be. It is found within the ether, which is the vital component of every bit of molecularized elements, but yet is unseen and can be and has been manipulated by the Will of man which has been created in God's Own Image.
Where we are about to tread is a most psychically dangerous place as it borders upon the regions of not only the occult unknown, and also the outer regions of the bounds created for mankind for his own spiritual well being as well as the "veil" created to act as a shield lest psychic elements derange his sanity. However, even as mental wards are full of they whose psychic shields have been penetrated by adverse psychological phenomena resulting in lunacy, there are also those whose penetrating perceptions have enabled them to manipulate those that are ignorant in manners unfathomable by the average individual.
The fakirs of India are an example of the such like. They are documented capable of creating via intense concentration and will hallucinations that will be seen within their sphere of influence. And it must also be noted that such things have been reported as far back as the European wars with the Ottoman Turks who engaged in such practices. It is accomplished via the ether being condensed into a visible form projected from the imagination. When studied, it was found that though the people who were entranced by the hypnotic influence of the fakir "saw" such things as ropes suspended in mid air, that the casual observer from a distance saw nothing, and photos showed that the entire affair was an illusion created via hypnotic means of ethereal manipulation. It may also be rightly assumed that such illusionary hypnotism was the basis of the feats of the Biblical Simon Magus. ( For more info on the such like phenomena, obtain the writings of Alexander Cannon.) Or, else, would he not simply have used his magic to transform rocks to gold and live like a king?
Another example of this influence may be seen from the lives of such men as Adolph Hitler. Few who viewed his speeches would contest the fact that through his oratory skills and his charismatic manner of promulgation that he quite literally "spellbound" his audience. All men and women that have made successful careers via oratory manner realize that there are various psychic secrets to their manner of presentation. It is to this example of enchantment that we shall commit our studies.
Why? Primarily because as members of the Western civilization, our hereditary eugenics have programmed us more suited to this style over the previous. This style, however, although not seemingly as intriguing, possesses by far more practical powers than the previous, and whosoever is well versed in the afore said art may do by far more than produce hallucinations, they may actually override the conscious mind's faith in well being and place a "time bomb" of suggestion into the subconscious ( which regulates the health of the body) of another resulting in their sickness or death; they may also influence spiritual forces referred to in times past as "elementals."
Nevertheless, let us return to the foundational standpoint of this invisible influence known as ether. Ether on its own is as a milky white substance of transparency until colored by thought energy that transforms that which Eliphas Levi termed as the "plastic medium" into the desired result via pre-determined causation via knowledge, imagination, will, and faith. What few people realize is that the entire cosmos is One and that they are One therewith as well, howbeit upon a smaller scale.
Of this, Valentine Weigelius (1553-1588) wrote thus,
...Seeing therefore, Man, as to his body, is composed of the elements, and as to his soul, of the stars, and each part is fed and sustained from that from which it was taken; the food or aliment of the body, whereby the body grows to a due stature, comes to a man from the elements, the earth, the water, air and fire; not that man should take to himself for food the crude bodies of the elements, but the fruits growing from the elements: they are for nutriment. But the food of the soul inhabiting in the Microcosmical body, are all kinds of sciences, arts, faculties, and industries, with which she tincts and makes herself perfect.
Moreover; all aliment passeth into the substance of the user, and is made the same that he himself is; that is, whatsoever a man eats and drinks, the same thing is essentially transmitted into the substance, nature, propriety and form of man, by the digestion of Archeus in the ventricle (STOMACH). I say, the food passeth and is converted into the nature of the eater, and drink into the substance of the drinker, and is made one and the same with him.
And in the first place, let these things be understood concerning the body without wonder: because man is made of that which he eats and drinks. So also whatsoever a man learns, studies, knows in things that are placed without himself, that knowledge and intelligence passeth into the very essence, nature and propriety of a man, and is made one with him.
The Light of Nature is made man in man, and by a man's diligent searching, man is made Light both in Light and by Light; and by the benefit of that Light, he finds out all things, whatsoever he seeks and desires; but one more and another less, because all do not seek with the like study.
Every knowledge, science, art, industry and faculty passeth into the nature of man, penetrates him, occupies him, possesseth him, tincts him, is agglutinated to him, united with him, and perfected in him, and he in it. For, whatsoever kind of aliment man useth, and whatsoever he endeavours to study, inquire, know and understand, this is not strange or different from his essence and nature.
The reason is, because whatsoever is without a man, the same is also within him, for that man is made of all these Things which are without him, that is, of the whole universe of things.
Therefore whatsoever man takes from without from the elements and stars by meat, drink, knowledge, study and intelligence, this is the same that man is, and is made the same with man. So man eating bread, and drinking water, wine, etc., from the Macrocosm, he eats and drinks himself; and learning — arts, tongues, faculties, and sciences of external things, he learns and knows himself.
And as he tincts his body by meat and drink, which pass into the substance of flesh and blood, so also his soul is tincted with whatsoever kind of sciences, arts, etc., eating and drinking, he is united essentially with that which he eats and drinks. And learning and knowing, he is united essentially with that which he studies, learns and knows. Wherefore this is a most certain rule; — Whatsoever is without us, is also within us. Which in this place, we, philosophizing of the soul and body, do thus declare.
This whole world visible as to the body, invisible as to its soul, is without us. From this we are all essentially in and with the first man complicitly made and created, and incontinently after the creation, were put and placed into it. And seeing it is manifest that everything that is derived, retains the essence, nature and propriety of its original; that although the Macrocosm is without us, yet nevertheless it may also be found truly within us; I say the World is in us, and we are in it, and yet this is, as that is without us, and we without that. For indeed we have no existence or original from anything else, but from that which is without us, and which was before us; nor are we, nor do we inhabit, walk and live in anything else, save in that whereof we are made. Neither do we seek and draw forth meat and drink from any other, either for the body or the soul, but from that into which we are placed, and which is placed in us.
As to the Spirit, we are of God, move in God, and live in God, and are nourished of God. Hence God is in us and we are in God; God hath put and placed Himself in us, and we are put and placed in God...
This is the first aspect of coming to grips with knowledge. Through the above so foresaid doctrine the Light of realization is seen that opens a Door within the soul to receive that which the alchemists referred to as "tincture." The greater the degree of knowledge in spiritual revelation, the higher the grade of tincture is attained. The manner whereby which the highest grade is attained is by that which Christ spoke saying,
...Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the Flesh ( Doctrine) of the Son of man, and drink His Blood ( believe), ye have no Life in you.
Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal Life; and I will raise him up at the Last Day.
For My Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed.
He that eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood, dwelleth in Me, and I in him.
As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me. Jn.6:53-57
Now, it is quite obvious by now, that we are not talking about religious observances such as doing a shot of grape juice and chowing a matza cracker...
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
By: / Novice
Post # 15

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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 16
Personally i just came to the realization that astral is infinite and unlimited, thus you can create and do whatever you desire if you have the right energy behind it, i learnt that astral weapons can do damage by experimenting on myself, people should play around more and see what works for them instead of starting off with any form of self doubt ;)
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 17
I've only ever used a bow once.. used a huge bambooish stick as a sword for whipping dandelions... that didn't work too well.. I like bows =]
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 18
lol I want a new planet in the astral
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 19
im not bsin i can only manipulate my energy so it fels likee tht/.. noob thts al i said besides ivv been tryin for 6 mounths
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Re: Spiritual Weapons
Post # 20
me and my friend make psi weapons u cant really c it but if experienced u can feel it
so far, sword, dagger,shield, a gun like weapon
awesome fn me make it that the but of the weapon has healong energy so it can heal psi wounds
sounds weird but is real
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