My intro

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Re: My intro
Post # 11
I could say million things that science can t explain and it never will,but post will be just to big lol!!Go figure this:
Science explore things that could help people to develope they life better.Science explore million things,!! things.
Things that they "proove" are one big ?.scientists on first place don t believe in soul they dont believe in anything that they can t touch(DO YOU BELIEVE IN SOUL?).I am not saying that science is bad...hell no.I am the guy who like new discoveries like this thing with big bang they exploring... we could all die because of that,but no mather...maybe then when we all die and become our real image(the soul) will know,...Is it true that science can explain everithyng I mean EVERITHYNG??????!!!!!!
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Re: My intro
Post # 12
Nekron.. -_- and that is why I said.. science is progress.. and it is one method to explain things.. then we got others like faith.. ^_^ and NO, I AM NOT A WITCH...
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Re: My intro
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
soal you ask of coarse i believe in soals to put this simply saying that all sientists dont believe in soals is just as true as saying all wiccons are evil. it is a stereo type now for those millions of things you can think of that sience cant and will never be able to explain i would like to hear them so that i can try to use science to explain them...just for fun...
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Re: My intro
Post # 14
Variados switie,sorry if I was too straight on you..I don t believe in god myself..but when I were about 4 years old the strange things hapened to me...something like horor trip. I was choking couple of times because of that I could die.but then my mom s take me to some old lady who was something like witch you know...white witch..and she do that stuff on my (in my country we call it "salijevanje strava") and than I was ok.since that moment I was groving up and I looked at life diferent from other people.
Because of that I hate when someone say that science proove everithyng...sorry for bad
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Re: My intro
Post # 15
Well.. Now we are getting some where.. ^_^ science still in progress.. I myself was and still am a sick child.. -_- I being dying since birth.. and I come from a third world country where magick is heavily used.. when I was six month or close (mother told me this) the doctors gave up on me, and returned me to my mother.. and they told her.. to prepare for the funeral because I was practically dead.. ^_^ Of course my mother back then was very familiar with witchcraft.. so, she took me to a "curandero" translated will a be a healer.. *_* it was a couple.. a man and a woman.. ^_^ both are healers.. but the man was the one who cured me... after that my mother stop taking me that much to the hospital ( look at the twist, my mother herself was a nurse and gave it up) What I had.. was what is commonly known as "evil eye" Even though the healer cure me.. after a while I will go back in being sick... *_* in either case.. 22 years has passed.. and I am still here.. sick as hell.. and doctors still cannot come with a conclusion for me. -_- medication is their solution (O_O I am too poor to be wasting on it) Anyways.. Your story sounds good.. but I can make mine sound way better.. no insult intended.. ^_^ My point is each individual has their own beliefs.. I myself believe in god.. and I see science as way of humans to make their life simpler.. is a way to explain things that are unknown.. because it is a human nature to be afraid of the unknown.. and be curious of it all the time. O_O I got my shared of unexplainable experiences.... and yet I can come up with a scientific and theological or magickal reason of why things tend to happen to certain people or me... ^_^ Though I bet I am not clear of what I am saying (mostly because it is based on beliefs and I actually do not stop and think what I am writing.. I am just writing... lalalalaa) but in few words I will say that every thing has a why and a because.. cause and effect some will say.
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Re: My intro
Post # 16
Yes Veriados, well said indeed.I think you are very smart and are entitled to your opinions.I too believe in god. I think science does help us all.I just don`t think science will be able to explain the paranormal part of things.
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Re: My intro
Post # 17
welcome im isit and if you need anything just come to me im good in psi which is your spirit energy so if you want to know more just message me
-blessed be isit
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