Something interesting....

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Re: Something interesting....
By: / Novice
Post # 11
people like muhhamd had great control over their thoughts. this is where power of meditation comes. but nobody has time to practice this.
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Re: Something interesting....
Post # 12
Nihilo I like your point. Its not just in India that religious killing happens. Its everywhere. I was refering to America (killing Muslims because of the "war".) and Ireland. Ireland's religious war is HUGE. Though not many people know about it. The Protestants and the Catholics are killing each other. Quite often to. A lot of its out of revenge but some is still religion unfortunately. I agree with Lady O. Religious discussions are beyond interesting. Btw feel free to post anything about your religion. I'd love to understand every one's religions. Oh and another interesting thing. With what people were saying about Hindus and Muslims I believe getting into it. India and Pakistan used to be one counrty. It was split by religion. Pakistan was full of Muslims and India was full of Hindus(That not to sound insulting though I know it does. Sorry idk how else to word it.). When it was one country it was mainly ruled by Muslims, I think. Most of them looked down on the Hindus I believe. Sorry its been a while since I read anything about this. I would love to visit both countries eventually though. -Catty
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Re: Something interesting
Post # 13
I hate with no discrimination taking that out.. ^_^... I am christian because i believe in Jesus Christ... O_o and I was baptized in a catholic church besides that.. I am a heavy magick user..
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Re: Something interesting....
By: / Novice
Post # 14
thats the spirit variados!!
well till 1947 india was under the british. and our beloved bapu (gandhiji) fought against the british through non-violence and attain freedom for india. at that time itself the muslims fought with hindus and divided india into india and pakistan.
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Re: Something interesting
Post # 15
WOW.. that is to admire.. *_*

O_O yeah, well I was taught to long as it is alive.. ^_^ SO... YEAH!!

But I love what some people has accomplish in such passive way..
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Re: Something interesting....
Post # 16
Of course I know about the war in ireland! I live right next door! (in england).
Thing is, protestants and catholics. You'd think they'd be allies considering they're both christian jesus worshippers!
But I thought Jesus said to love thy neighbour? Turn the other cheek! Wow! those suicidal catholic "extremists*" must be really peaceful!

*Catholosism teaches peace and love so the extreme of love should be too much love. How can too much love cause bombongs? It doesnt make sense!
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Re: Something interesting....
Post # 17
Religion never makes sense. Lol. Well as far as I know most Americans don't know bout it then. Or at least the one's I live around.Nihilo you live in England, right? So can you answer this question? Its been bugging me since I read this book. Do Irish extremists have a thing against your counrty? That was putting it mildly but is it true? There's so much crap in the news its hard to sift through to get information. And Cooljo, I did't know what happened after England took control of the country. The time I was refering to was right before that. Actually only bout 100 years before that. I mean they were ruled for longer before that but the time I know about was a 100 years before up to where the British took control. -Catty
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