Omega carved in my door?!

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Re: Omega carved in my door?!
Post # 11
I forgot to mention the door is the door to my greatgranny's room. She passed away a few months later.

Re: Omega carved in my door?!
Post # 12
not everything has to do with magick. its like saying that my pc screen has LG on it, does it mean im gonna die?

Re: Omega carved in my door?!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13

When I first read this forum thread I thought "oh look, another fluff making up a silly story" I did not respond at that time and let this play out for a while. This morning I checked it again and got a good mornings chuckle out of it. Your original post stated that it was your room "I decided to go out of my room to get a soda. I look back at my now closed door with a blue carving of a Omega(Ancient Greek O) and some other letters" In your most recent post it was "the door is the door to my greatgranny's room. She passed away a few months later." If you want to make up a story that you feel sounds cool at least try to be consistent, that would give you some credibility.

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