My poems ^-^

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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 11
Thank you!
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 12
The time has come
Where you will find
Nothing is as it seems
Everything is changing now
Slowly and unseen
It comes creeping up
unexpected and uninvited
It comes
Normal looking it may seem
But underneath
The lie it holds around itself
It seeks you out
So beware and be on guard
For the ones who come
Are disastrous and unkind
With only one thing on their mind
That you will soon know
But for now just take care
And be careful if you bear
Something that will tear
Them apart and make them fall
Because if you do be aware
That you yourself are in danger there
Be careful of the people you choose to trust
Because in the end you might find
That you made a wrong turn
Somewhere along the line
And so goes on this rhyme
And the warning that will embed within your mind
That will become real in time
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 13
I love these poems, especially the last one you wrote.
I write those kind of poems that reflect the truth over the lie, and many things that resemble the mental side of one's self being.

Here's one I would like to share too:

"The Heart's Truth and The Head's Lie"

My life is filled with questions I ask
The answers haunt me more as I lack
For the will to know and seek my future
Before my path to destiny becomes a blue.

But how will I know the truth that I seek
Before my ears bleed from the lies that creep
And my eyes are drifted in a deep, deep sleep
To face my temptation of my crucial leap.

This nightmare of mine will never end
It's a game I play inside of my head
When will it stop, it's tearing me apart
Slowly beating, slowly breathing my heart will be.

It's difficult to know these rules
Cause it makes me feel like I'm the fool
Fools is what we are
All among us and from afar.

We all are much the same
But different in every way.

The truth it may be for you and me
But what good of it does it make to set it free
No one will listen nor hear the truth
Without knowing a lie, without having a clue.

Lies will consume our precious thoughts
As the truth we hold dear to us we had sought
Burns and dies in our cold, dead hands
Like a banishment made from the world's plan.

The truth I hold now is the only one
Unconscious and asleep, but hidden in me that I long.

Cause of this world I was sent down here
To show the meaning of true fear
Whether to exist to see it or not
I am the truth, the truth to show for me and you whole lot.

Here it is, the truth that I speak
Against the sky within the moon's peak
Here I come with the truth I hold
To make your lives miserable as it unfolds.

The heart is the truth, the head is the lie
Open your eyes and give yourself the sight
To acknowledge the predictable
And make the truth visible.

Now ready the heart with steady courage
The key you must place within the mind's storage
Forever we will triumph over this mess
And stand proud over those who bless.

Don't steal please. =3

Bless thy soul with knowledge of thous wisdom...
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 14
Uh oh, there's a mistake on the fourth line of the first paragraph.
The last word isn't "blue" but "blur". Sorry. ^_^'
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 15
Awesome poem ^-^ I really like it!
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 16
Lol don't worry I won't steal your poem ^-^

You stare at your reflection
In hope of getting a connection
To another world
You once had known
Where earthy qualities lie
An mysteries tie
The two together
And nothing more
Because of the differences
and complete disregard
It is harder to find
then it was before
Harmony and content no longer here
until you tear
Down the veil which covers your eye's
And in time you will find
we are not alone
That we shared this world
So long ago
With something forgotten
But still lives on
In myth and folklore
The truth lies there
Not truly forgotten
Though I guess
Just pushed aside
And regarded as fake and lies
but even stories hold some truth
Even the earth is more than it seems
you try to see the in between
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 17
Ooo... love this one. =3
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 18
wow those are really good have you ever thought of like writting a book just full of poems
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 19
Yes lol I actually have plus my mom really wants me to ^-^ Thank you!
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 20

You don't know me
But I know you
And all those things you did not do
I know where your heart lies
I can see it in your eyes
You spend all your time alone
In fear of doing something wrong
You always seem so cold
Even though you hold
The key to stop the pain
You made it plain
That you are not strong
And your life's the one that went wrong
Now everything you had is gone
But your still here
There's proof in that
Standing right before my eyes you sat
Then turned away looking mad
Don't turn away
That will not help
I¢m only here to wish you luck
Because even though you think I don't
I can see right through your mind
And everything you left behind
You're the one who runs away
And never faces the day
Good luck to you
I wish you well
I guess the days will wait to tell
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