Fakes :(

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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 11
I agree. But a lot of it will be sorted out with time and hard lessons to help people grow, or make them give it up entirely. In which case I think this way of thinking and living was not a path for them. And although it can be annoying, it's just a part of life.

I know that what I thought was absolute truth 10 years ago doesn't hold water with me now. I will never claim to have all the answers or be a master at anything. I don't think I will ever stop learning, but that's me. I choose to learn and grow from myself and others.

Everyone evolves differntly.
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 12
I follow Healer,well I know a lot of people here who have big mouth for anything,and also I know very wise ones.First of all I don t see purpose to lie here I don t see reason for them to make themselfs all powerfull,nobody knows you here...I just think...well thats one big complex in mind that need medical treatment...
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 13
Right, NeKroN..but look past what they do and question why they do it.
The internet has made it possible for people to be anything they aren't in the "real world". I agree, lying is pointless, but people do it for various reasons.

Lying here and pretending to be the most powerfull being around gives some people a sense of importance and respect that they may be lacking in their personal life. It helps no one, and I hope people who do it can see that some of us don't appreciate making a mockery of magick and we all had to "start somewhere".
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 14
I see my message has been getting across for the most part. Or some people are reaching the same conclusion as me. Whatever, the more people who realize this, the better the forums will be.
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 15
It's like what Plato quoted Socrates saying, isn't it? Everyone says Socrates was truly wise only because he said, "I know that I know nothing."

Well, that, and a bundle of other things he said. ;)

But good job, WayoftheWind. Nice to see that someone's striving for integrity.
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 16
I agree.. I can't stand people like that... Unfortantly my cousin acts like it... People either need to tell the truth or not get on at all. : [
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 17
I GOT THE POWER! (sings.. I got the power.. tum tum)
Oh yes.. those who knows me.. that I will rule with cookies.. and no other will defy me.. because.. I got milk as well. GOT MILK?
Ok... first of all.. what is a lie? Did I just lie? I think did... I can't bake cookies.. (got'z to'z steal'z them'z) O_O...
One.. because some is new to magick... does not make her or him ignorant..if that person cannot do some critical thinking when reading.. then it is he/he owns fault for believing falsehood... since a "book" is more reliable than internet itself.. because of references... a person should cross reference everything and anything relevant to his or her studies.. and also make some common sense out of it.. plus.. make own ideas.. not let themselves get brain wash by other puny brains.. or this becomes "idiocracy" (referance to a movie with the same title.. ) is the same as learning a language.. you need more than one text book to improve in it.. -_- magick is the same as any knowledge to be learn and most of it is self indulge.. magick is mostly learn by experience.. hence the craziness.. on our imagination.. that is why.. when it come to terms I am less appropriate to teach... and that is why I got into this site like a year or long ago.... for terms only.... and not to learn more than that.. since mostly I am familiar with.. and yet.. I got called a fake.. O_O.. and I accepted the term.. since my falseness.. is more truthful than others perspective of their own truth... -_- sorry... I am wordy like that. ( not a good writer)
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 18
I disagree, Vari.
I think you are a very good writer.

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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 19
Thank you ( now convince my teacher to give me a good grade.. hahaha) *_* I guess.. is because I keep putting my smiley faces :P he does like that.. -_- and he says I write more than I should... too wordy.. and less clear.. and I say.. *_* sir... one of this days... I will be shorten of words.. I will be wordless... -_- now.. going back to topic.. ^_^ No one can prove me wrong.. since I AM THE QUEEN!!!
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Re: Fakes :(
Post # 20
I think wayofthewind is making some good point here and i agree with him 100%. Novice, iam in the realm of magic i don'knw much abt it and iam trying to learn but i don't know whom to ask for an advice cos' everyone is claiming that they posess an enormous Magical power and spells, and i don't believe and iam not truely convinced by what everyone is claiming to 'av possess .There 'll be only some few (i should say 10 out of 100) who must 'av obtaining true magickal power.so in that case, when i apply an application to a certain COVEN THEY don't accept me because i don't claim myself to be practicing magic for 5 or 10 years.so, sometimes lying and faking does 'av a benefit but .. u knw... don't wanna do tat.
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