question,dark feel

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Re: question,dark feel
Post # 11
I was in my friends grandmas house the other night and I felt all weak, sad and tense at the same time. All of a sudden my chest went tight and I started crying. Before this, I was laughing away, having a good time. That house is deffinately freaky. Feel like you are being watched all the time.
Also had another experience about three years ago now... on the sofa, mum was on the phone. I noticed something small and dark out of the corner of my eye. This black hooded little thing was croched down. Immedietly I bursted out in tears. I could feel the negative prescence. Mum didnt notice at first but when she did, she was screaming! I was absolutely terrified. It started coming closer. This sounds stupid but it kind of didnt have a face. It was like a pale blur under this hood. This was not long after my grandad passed away. I have heard that demons feed on negative energy.
I, personally have never experienced a good demon. So I can't say you should summon one to be honest.

-Becca :)
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Re: question,dark feel
Post # 12
Yeah true,anything evil feeds of evil themselves
they find fear and anything negative within and they strike!

"it could be someone casting a spell. zaet look out the window tonight look closly post what u c"

what did you mean ?
to look outside my window tonight ?
i will,if you meant tonight
if you meant yesterday night , because it's morning now
i didnt look out the windoor but there was a thunderstorm with really sick lightning flashes that made me not sleep.
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Re: question,dark feel
Post # 13
i had an experiance somewhat like that. i was dreaming that i was in a witch school, and my friends and i were going to get dinner. suddenly i turned around in the hallway and whispered, "we are not alone". at that i woke up and i felt as though some one were pushing my head into my pillow. i decided it would be best to stay calm and ask it, then tell it to leave me be. but it didnt work, so i started praying to God and it left me.
scientifically, it was probably just sleep paralysis and our imagination getting the best of us. i do get strange feelings like there is evil around though.
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Re: question,dark feel
Post # 14
ther u go zaet dark feeling ddnt come. that could be u havng sec. dream. it happens. but has anthng happ since then
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