The Magical Personality

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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 2
The unicorn no 2 air with water and im a aquarian lol
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 3
Your Q Score is: 5

Your Primary Mythical Creature

Water with Fire

Astrologically associated with Cancer and the Fourth House

Chimera types are motivated to achieve and maintain emotional closeness between themselves and those they are close to. They are among the most outgoing of all the types. They have a strong sense of community, harmony, and cooperation. They are devoted to their family, whether this is an actual family or a specially chosen group of like-minded individuals. They thrive in company and are rarely alone. They find personal fulfillment in supportive, nurturing, and caring roles, but they emphasize self-reliance for all. They are intensely protective of those they love and are both perceptive and intuitive regarding their needs. They can seem at times to be in a world of their own because of a capacity for reflection. They are very emotionally expressive, which can seem like "gushing" to other, more restrained types.

Your Shadow Creature

Earth Types
All the Earth types have problems relating to productivity and stability. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Earth and Air

This shadow is irrational and unreasonable. They are plagued by a sense of uncertainty and are especially concerned about theft and loss of property. They can become quite paranoid about the motives of other people and despite being sociable in nature they have issues relating to trust. They are prone to bizarre delusions centering on lack of personal security. They are in different ways both self-neglecting and self-indulgent, ignoring genuine physical needs while simultaneously exhibiting hypochondria. Their frenetic lifestyle often reflects a neurotic need to escape a sense of insubstantiality. The biggest obstacle of weak Air is to overcome prejudice and ignorance; the biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed.
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 4
Your Q Score is: 2
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Water Types
The main strength of the Water types is feeling. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this emotional expression.

Water with Air

Astrologically associated with Pisces and the Twelfth House

Mermaid types are warm and caring in a passive, receptive way. They are given to daydreaming and to contemplation, a combination that can make them seem curiously absent and fey. They are among the most unworldly of all the types. Despite this they have a strong ability for clear, rational thinking that can be startling. They seem to have a deep, intuitive understanding of the oneness of the universe. They have a desire to help the world at large and are acutely aware of and sensitive to suffering. This is partly because they do not recognize the customary boundaries between people, other living things, time, space, this world and the Otherworld. They are frequently psychic. They can be brilliantly original and highly creative. They are usually regarded by others as benign eccentrics or as plain weird.

Your Shadow Creature
Fire Types
All the Fire types have problems relating to anger and aggression. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Fire and Earth

This shadow is prone to a sense of stagnation due to lack of motivation and laziness. Nothing durable is ever produced. Practical activities may never be embarked upon. There is an underlying sense of futility and hopelessness. Disillusionment results from their lack of confidence that they can change anything for the better, and in any case they do not have the will. At the same time there is an underlying grandiosity and even megalomania reflected in their dreams and aspirations. They need to feel special. Instead, they may simply overindulge or neglect themselves physically. The biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed; the biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression.
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 5

Your Q Score is: 2 The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature

Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.

Air with Water
Astrologically associated with Gemini and the Third House
Unicorn types are very concerned with the communication of ideas. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason. Actually they are very deep and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them. They are highly imaginative but not very practical. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 6
this is what i got ,

Your Q Score is: 2
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.

Air and Earth

Astrologically associated with Libra and the Seventh House

Pegasus types are theorists who aim to achieve in reality what they conceive with the mind. They are perfectionists who strive to produce order from what they regard as the chaos around them. They detest disorder and ugliness and have a particular flair for creating beautiful surroundings in which to live. They can be highly original and possibly eccentric. They are curious and open-minded but will require convincing evidence to back up ideas. They show exceptional organizational ability. Although they are among the least outgoing of the types they are very concerned with promoting social harmony. Their ability to be objective and impartial makes them popular as fair-minded arbiters of disputes. They are extremely independent and can seem emotionally distant.

Your Shadow Creature
Fire Types
All the Fire types have problems relating to anger and aggression. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Fire and Earth

This shadow is prone to a sense of stagnation due to lack of motivation and laziness. Nothing durable is ever produced. Practical activities may never be embarked upon. There is an underlying sense of futility and hopelessness. Disillusionment results from their lack of confidence that they can change anything for the better, and in any case they do not have the will. At the same time there is an underlying grandiosity and even megalomania reflected in their dreams and aspirations. They need to feel special. Instead, they may simply overindulge or neglect themselves physically. The biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed; the biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression.

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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 7
Your Q Score is: 3
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.

Air and Earth

Astrologically associated with Libra and the Seventh House

Pegasus types are theorists who aim to achieve in reality what they conceive with the mind. They are perfectionists who strive to produce order from what they regard as the chaos around them. They detest disorder and ugliness and have a particular flair for creating beautiful surroundings in which to live. They can be highly original and possibly eccentric. They are curious and open-minded but will require convincing evidence to back up ideas. They show exceptional organizational ability. Although they are among the least outgoing of the types they are very concerned with promoting social harmony. Their ability to be objective and impartial makes them popular as fair-minded arbiters of disputes. They are extremely independent and can seem emotionally distant.

Your Shadow Creature
Water Types
All the Water types have problems relating to feelings and closeness. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Water and Fire

This shadow is apathetic, unmotivated, and lacking direction. They are frightened of change because they are rooted in the past. For them the pain of the past lives on in the present as if bad things are happening now. They feel hurt and angry over this sense of injustice but are unable to recognize why. The things that other people do in the present are blamed for the pain that belongs in the past. They are antisocial and vengeful, but deep down they want to be accepted. Since they blame others for making them unhappy, they keep everyone at bay. They are hypersensitive and insensitive, possessive and rejecting. The biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression; the biggest obstacle of weak Water is to overcome insensitivity and alienation.

The last like...3 lines of the shadow creature are by far the best ever. =P

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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 8
Here's mine. Wow, my Q score is two digits...

Your Q Score is: 12
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.

Air with Water

Astrologically associated with Gemini and the Third House

Unicorn types are very concerned with the communication of ideas. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason. Actually they are very deep and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them. They are highly imaginative but not very practical. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others’ feelings, but may still appear somewhat aloof. They are drawn to grand schemes for unifying people but these often don’t extend beyond the initial idea. Very logical and rational, Unicorn types are also unconventional and even bizarre. Other people may regard them as fey or just strange.

Your Shadow Creature
Fire Types
All the Fire types have problems relating to anger and aggression. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Fire and Earth

This shadow is prone to a sense of stagnation due to lack of motivation and laziness. Nothing durable is ever produced. Practical activities may never be embarked upon. There is an underlying sense of futility and hopelessness. Disillusionment results from their lack of confidence that they can change anything for the better, and in any case they do not have the will. At the same time there is an underlying grandiosity and even megalomania reflected in their dreams and aspirations. They need to feel special. Instead, they may simply overindulge or neglect themselves physically. The biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed; the biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression.
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 9
Wow that was so great. I am a:

Wyvern and a fire type - I am a leo and a fire person!!!

My Q # is 9
My shadow creature is:


Thanks again for that Pantheriaa I really enjoyed doing it.

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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 10
Air with Water

Astrologically associated with Gemini and the Third House

Unicorn types are very concerned with the communication of ideas. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason. Actually they are very deep and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them. They are highly imaginative but not very practical. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others’ feelings, but may still appear somewhat aloof. They are drawn to grand schemes for unifying people but these often don’t extend beyond the initial idea. Very logical and rational, Unicorn types are also unconventional and even bizarre. Other people may regard them as fey or just strange
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Re: The Magical Personality
Post # 11
Your Q Score is: 7
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Water Types
The main strength of the Water types is feeling. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this emotional expression.

Water with Earth

Astrologically associated with Scorpio and the Eighth House

Satyr types are warm and sociable but also enigmatic and mysterious. They are sensitive to others’ feelings and moods and are extremely insightful and perceptive. They feel a need to relate intimately with others and they often do so through sensual pleasures. However, they also have a tendency to be cautious and guarded and they need to maintain their privacy. This behavior confuses others and makes them appear unpredictable and capricious. They want to control over themselves and others in order to feel secure. They also want to merge with others to feel a sense of unity. They are frequently attracted to art and design, especially if it involves the natural world. They have a deep love of nature. They are imaginative and enjoy combining their creative urges with sensual pleasures in a productive way.

Your Shadow Creature
Air Types
All the Air types have problems relating to irrationality and trust. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Air and Fire

This shadow is intolerant and unforgiving and prone to revenge for imagined slights using passive aggression. In the absence of a moderating factor they are at the mercy of transient emotional states. A sense of inferiority leads to overcompensation. They lack motivation and are prone to apathy. At the same time they want to have control over others so that they can play the autocrat and enjoy the fruits of other people’s labor and claim credit for their accomplishments. They unreasonably expect the worst from people and consequently get it as a self-fulfilling prophesy. Their logic is faulty and self-defeating. The biggest obstacle of weak Fire is to overcome anger and aggression; the biggest obstacle of weak Air is to overcome prejudice and ignorance.

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