please help me really.

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► please help me really.

Re: please help me really.
Post # 2
I know extremly high level magick that feels right for evryone and am friends with god and devil so talk to me if you need to talk with god or devil or talk to me if you want to learn magick that would go well with someone like you.
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 3
PKB, you are a sad delusional child, i hope you find reality one day. Sims, please take a bit more time checking your spelling before posting, no serious help will come if you aren't willing to put in the effort from your side.
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Re: please help me really.
By: / Novice
Post # 4
He said he was friends with God and the devil? Didn't he already say God was sending ultimate warriors to kill him? And for someone with such power, to ignore a challenge from a lower being as myself? I don't know...kinda startim to doubt this kid's a demon.
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 5
Ignoring the serious spelling issues, you should start by not LOOKING for a religion. Personally, you could be looking for a less 'worship' religion and more of an 'at peace with myself' religion. Try identifying your values, not comparing them to social norms or others' ideas of what is 'right'. Then shop around. See what your values have in common with other religions. If they don't match, mix your religions to what suits you and make your own. there is nothing wrong with that at all. After all, christianity came after many other who knows who made what up. But religion is meant to identify life guidlines. They are important for civilization. It says there are punishments beyond simple man's for 'immorale' things such as adultery, murder, etc....rules change with religion. Okay. I am going on forever. Mix and match. If you are uncomfortable with that, start with simple meditation, or yoga, something that gets you calm and in a place where you can really think about YOU and what YOU NEED to give your life focus, purpose and guidance.
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 6
To pkb:

1) If you're God's companion then why would Satan want you to be HIS companion, and vise-versa?

2) You're just an insipid SELF-PROCLAIMED "ultimate warrior of Heaven and Hell" But if you really ARE what you claim to be (which I some how doubt) then show us some REAL knowledge of magick, occult philosophy and psionics instead of a bunch of bull like how one must "strike a delal with God or Satan in order to proceed with the ascension to being a vampire"!" Just because we TRUE pagans, wiccans, philosophers, and psi mages believe in magick doesn't mean we believe in a childish faker.
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 7
*sigh* ok im not trying to piss anyone off here but if i do im sorry.
anyway, i dont understand this whole im better than you or ur fake stuff why cant you guys just mind your own business or atleast take care of your arguments in private and not public.

again sorry if that offended anyone if i did i didnt mean to.
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 8
um guys what? i never said i was a demon thanks everyone i 'm still kidna confused i love god but like ... ugh i think energy is like the same of god it can never be created or desotryed and always was their and energy can be in all diffenr't forms -__
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Re: please help me really
Post # 9
well if you don't know what religon you want to be in try different ones and if you still can't find one, then don't be in a religon just follow your own rules be urself, there's nothing wrong with that (well in my opinion) and if you feel bad about yourself just think positive (i know you probably heard it b4 but it works) just have confidence in yourself you'll be amazed at how things will change as long as you believe in yourself.
but as for your sexuality I don't have advice on that (id say just expiriment but idk ur age so experimenting might not be a good Idea) so that's all I have to say, and I'm sorry for the bad spelling or punctuation and also,
(i forgot who said it but) it doesn't matter if sims didn't spell right he didn't ask for help on spelling.

blesséd be : )
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 10
okay so why are you sad ? and why would you want to sign a deal with the devil ? why do you think your sinful ? just treat people the way you want to be treated , with respect and be honest with yourself ? how old are you if I may ask ? one thing for sure , you should not make any deals with the devil .
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Re: please help me really.
Post # 11
i [m 14
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