Kitchen witchery

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Kitchen witchery
Post # 1
Hi! i'm currently looking for recipes that attract abundance or protection. But basically any recipes work! I'm also looking for useful resources regarding kitchen witchery

Any help would be gratefully appreciated,
Thank you!
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Re: Kitchen witchery
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Kitchen witchcraft is essentially setting intention as you cook. You want abundance and protection? Research the properties of food/herb you wish to cook [I'll link a resource] If you're cooking chicken, your seasonings can be for protection and abundance [Salt, pepper, sage, thyme, nutmeg, garlic aka poultry seasoning] As you season the chicken, think about your desired goal. Perhaps say a blessing.

I've said it before, but pumpkin spice lattes can be abundance brews. The ingredients in pumpkin seasoning, as well as pumpkin, has abundance and protection properties. The caffeine adds energy to the spell, sugar sweetens your goal, and depending on the milk [if you use dairy milk, soy, almond or oat] you can add further energy to the spell. When you get your drink, sip it mindfully and visualize your goal. [also, it's said you should stir clockwise to attract and counterclockwise to repel, but I'm naturally left-handed, so everything is backward for me. I've done both, and never saw a difference]

Since you'll be doing most of your spellwork in the kitchen, make sure it's a sacred space for you. Remove excess clutter, keep it clean, and maybe have incense or a tiny altar set up. [it really depends. My point is, the kitchen will become a giant altar for you, so bless everything within the space] I'd also suggest researching simmer pots.
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Re: Kitchen witchery
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

One of my favorite kitchen herbs is Basil;the flavor is wonderful, it has a lot of healing properties, however it is also great for prosperity and protection. The world is full ofmany culinary herbs to utilize in the kitchen for a vast array of magical uses and there are a lot of resources out there to read and self educate on the subject. I suggest reading different material from different authors and sources throughout time so that you have a broad knowledge base to compare, contrast, and cross reference.

Many Blessings to you,


Below are some links you may find of further interest;

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