Medicine and Magic

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Medicine and Magic
Post # 1
Does anyone know of any sources supporting getting medical help while practicing magic?

A friend of mine is going through a tough time, but refuses to get help. Part of that seems to be the idea that taking medication will suppress his magic. I myself am bipolar and recognize that without my meds I would be unable to practice magic.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone can send any resources my way.
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Re: Medicine and Magic
Post # 2
Honestly there aren't any. While it is true certain medicines may make you not feel very good, like cause hallucinations, or make you feel paranoid, etc. In that case you should stop taking those medicines for obvious reasons and due to those "negative effects" it would be difficult to practice magic while your feeling said negative effects. So , medication can not weaken magic, though if a kind of magic one takes causes them any of the "negative effects" or similar, that could then "weaken" your magic because you can't focus on it but it would not make you "less powerful" as that isn't a thing in real life, only in tv shows where if a character takes a certain medicine does it prevent them from accessing their magic but that is not a thing within the real world.
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Re: Medicine and Magic
Post # 3
There aren't any sources I can think of since most people understand modern medicine is modern medicine for a reason.

Maybe try convincing them with a protection spell that they'll be ok? For example, do a protection spell with them to prevent medicine from having any negative effects on his magick. That way, even though there are no negatives in the first place it might help convince him that it'll be ok as he'll feel safer getting the help thinking that there is a spell to protect him.

Maybe try to incorporate the medicine into a magick spell with him too? For example if he has to take pills try and get him to turn that into a ritual where he can incorporate healing crystals and stuff too That way he could think of the medicine as just another component of the spell.

Hopefully this helps.
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Re: Medicine and Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Merry Meet,

I do not know of any sources, but Witches understood which herbs would cure illnesses. They would encourage taking medicine. Even today, many Witches, such as yourself, use medication daily. Magik is about the mind, body and spirit, and if you have a chemicals imbalance, or infection, it is best to take the medication to bring your system back into balance. Many Witches who need to take medication usually incorporate it into their spiritual routine. Blessing the medicine, saying a prayer of gratitude, casting a glamour or healing before taking the medicine. All of these and more are used. You must take your meds every day, so use it as an opportunity.

Now, there can be side effects, which is why you need to find the dosage that works for you. If a medication has a side effect about dreams, and you no longer remember those dreams, you would need to address that aspect. Perhaps you need a similar medication instead, a new routine, or a new form of divination.

Blessed Be.
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