the moon

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the moon
Post # 1
new to all this and was wondering why the moon holds any significance?
just curious and want to know why.
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Re: the moon
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

I feel that the moon is often significant in my practice. I feel more spiritually aliveduringnighttime, especially when the moon is full. So the moon is presentin much of my practice. I don't care much about moon phases, however, so that rarely appears in my practice.

The moon does have a magnetic field and has physical effects on our world, so it's natural that a lot of people feel an affinity with the moon, but it doesn't really have to show up in any specific practice.

Practice, ritual, and spellwork is all what the practitioner makes of it. So if you feel a connection with the moon, incorporating it in your practice may be right for you. If not, then don't worry about it. There's really no right way to do any of this. Spirituality is meant for us to help ourselves in some way. So if the moon doesn't hold any significance to you, don't use it. If it does, then decide how you feel is best to include it.

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