Asking some Advice

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Asking some Advice
Post # 1
I'm using a one card spread (Yes or No) and my question was "Will i die by suicide?" (Please don't lecture me about suicides) and i got a Yes & Judgement Card (Not Reversed).. What does it mean to get a Judgement Card?
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Re: Asking some Advice
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
From what I found, Judgement refers to rebirth and second chances. However, this is a general meaning and you should take what your intuition has to say about the card, if anything.

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Re: Asking some Advice
By: / Novice
Post # 3
A few bits of food for thought; (Wall of text [tm] incoming)

First, Tarot (and any divination, for that matter) does not define, or even read the future. What it reflects is your present self. It is a mirror of your thoughts and attitudes, and the path you are on at the moment you draw the card. As moments change, so do you.

Second, a binary yes/no pulling is notoriously inaccurate, as it is the most limited possible form of reading. There is no context, or nuance. Nothing to provide meaningful insight or fuel for reflection- Which is the purpose of an oracle to begin with. Life is never so straightforward and too much is lost in this form of a drawing for it to have any value at all.

For example, even in the off chance the pulling is correct, . .when? For all you know, it could be 60 years from now. Will it even be purposeful, or accidental? For all the information you've gotten, you could end up finding the opportunity to get help and support for what you are facing and grow towards a place of better balance. Maybe even find a sense of purpose that fuels you in continuing to move forward into old age... then in a day of confusion take the wrong medications at 80 years old and go out not even realizing what happened.

Also (third), I am assuming you used upright versus inverted for yes/no. That is really easy to influence-be it purposefully or accidentally. Did you properly and thoroughly shuffle, including cutting and turning the deck several times? If 80% of the cards are typically upright, that by default means 80% chance of a 'yes' no matter what question you ask.

Also consider the specific question you asked, and how you asked it. That is a major influence/bias to the result you get. By starting with what is essentially "Will I kill myself", you are beginning with a pessimistic outlook. Considering that most Oracle readings are based from a search to validate rather than to observe, this gives evidence that this is an outcome you feel you want. Or at least that you feel you are destined for. Rather than, say, asking a question like "Will I move forward from this challenge?" Or "Will I be able to change the path I am making for myself, for the better?"

Always be as aware as you can of personal biases when doing a reading, especially if it is for yourself. This is one reason why it is generally preferable to read for others, and/or have others read for you when possible. People re-interpret or even re-draw readings habitually if the response isn't one they particularly like. It's easier to justify it as a 'mistake' than to genuinely consider meanings.

After that great-honking wall of text, here is what I would recommend doing. And, going by the judgement card's meaning might be one (of a possible many) interpretation of the message you have received anyways. ...That being 'yes... at the moment... but think about it carefully.' IE: Take time to judge (critically think about) the information.

Perform a new spread of minimum three cards, while holding an intent of finding further insight into the one-card draw you performed. Then another spread with an intent of gaining insight to how you would work towards changing the outcome predicted.

For the first, if you go with a three-spread, consider the first card as insight towards the internal cause (what is happening within you). The second as further insight towards the external challenge you are facing (what is causing you to be drawn towards suicide), And the third as insight towards the spiritual consequences this would create.

For the second (again, if you go with a three-card draw) view the first turn as insight towards the source of the challenge you are facing, the second as insight towards action you can take to overcome the challenge, and the third as insight towards where you might gain strength/support to make change happen.

As a final note (and at risk of getting a little preachy), remember that what a person finds is determined by what they seek. All self-determined prophesy becomes a self-fulfilling promise. Actively choose your prophecy, and you will be able to define your outcome. This is something I state from first-hand experience.

For all of my youth I was surrounded (and targeted by) many very hateful people. People who ot only used and abused others, but were proud of it, used it to define their success in life. The more they could take from others the more they boasted in happiness. It came dangerously close to driving me down some incredibly dark paths; Self-destructive, and outwardly violent alike. I had a choice that I came to see before me. A choice that I was only by fortune able to learn I could make for myself. To choose letting it drive me down the road I was walking, to become what others were in order to gain relief. Or to choose to learn from these people what not to be. To decide that I would become a better person as a result of what I experienced, instead of a worse one.

You have a similar choice before you. And it is yours to make. It may feel like such a choice is your burden in consequences, but in reality it is your power. Every choice you make is yours -to- make. Nothing can change that or take it away. Journey towards owning it, and you will never be without power in your life.
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