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Post # 1

Ok I'm doing a spell and I don't know if it's real or fake so I really that is real or fake just give me an honest answer I yes or no here's the spell

Heat spell




Gives you heat if you focus.

Spell Casting

Have the three people your sitting with form a triangle kneeling on your knees. Hold hands and close your eyes while you all picture a ball of flame in the middle of the three people.

Now chant: "o'sirus o'sirus we command thee, we command thee to put heat inside of me".

Please just give me a yes or no answer nothing more please

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Re: Discussion
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Likely any heat you'd feel from this would just be body heat from the gathered people, I don't think you can really generate heat from magic. At least, likely not enough to keep yourself warm on chilly nights.

Another clue it's fake is the fact that Osiris has nothing to do with fire or heat, so it doesn't make sense to call on Him.

When vetting a spell, it's good to ask yourself if the deity choice makes sense, and if the spell itself makes sense.

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Re: Discussion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Yes and no are not the best answers for many metaphysical related questions. It does not help one to understand if we simplify respond with a yes or no.There is a reason you are often asked to explain your answer or answers on a test.

I believe if you are chanting O'Sirius or Oh Sirius which is the god/goddess of the Dog Star or the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major and the brightest star in the night sky that this exercise is good practice with friends. The predawn path of this star when spotted in the path of the sun was believed to be the source of the scorching heat and droughts often experienced during Midsummer.

It can also make sense for Osiris as he was the god of resurrection. life, and vegetation which all have light or heat requirements. He is also the god of the underworld which has heat associated with it, as the earth itself has a core that is hot and there are places on the surface where this heat is released.

This magical working is a way to increase energy between people through a small circle and chant. Energy when gathered can often produce heat or warmth, and sometimes tingling sensations. Each person may also experience a different result from this practice. An inexperienced practitioner may feel drained after this type of working if they are not used to the work involved in gathering and redirecting energy.

Many Blessings to you,


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