Repeating Cards

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Repeating Cards
Post # 1

Hello everyone!

I have a general question. Does anyone else have certain cards that seem to pop up more than others? Excluding poor shuffling, how do you interpret receiving a card multiple times, whether it comes outfrom the same deck, or multiple decks, or even SoM'sonline tarot spread? Of course this would be reading for yourself, but I'd also be interested in what cards seem to pop up a lot when reading for other people.

For me, I keep receiving cards such as The World and 8 of Swords. I find it fitting for me personally because I do feel like I'm passing through the end of a cycle or going through major changes.


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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 2

Some people would consider this to be "stalker" cards, that is some sort of more influential theme going on for the querent (yourself in this case). There are some spreads out there, which you can find with a quick web search.

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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 3

For me when I have the same cards popping up over and over again. Sometimes it can mean the energy I'm going through, other times it can represent a part of my personality and the cards have picked up on it. Or I'm just not getting the message at all and so the cards attempt to tell me so by given me the same cards over and over again.

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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 4

Oh wow! So I should be examining stalker cards by doing a wholeintrospective spread? Or there are spreads just for defining these cards? Thanks!

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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 5

@Dragonearth "not getting the message at all" sounds like me hahaha.Literallybeen getting messages about raising my intuition, which I guess is in part why I want to better understand tarot.

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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 6
Late reply, but I have a similar instance only at one time in my life. I drew the Sun card from my deck EVERY reading I did for myself. It went on for months! I met my husband, and it stopped. I have a feeling the Sun represented him coming into my life. (He's Chinese and his name has the word Yang in it, like the sun!!) Maybe this could be something similar and the cards you keep seeing are telling you about a coming event in your life.
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Re: Repeating Cards
Post # 7
For me I tend to interpret cards repeating as themes which should be looked at and delved a bit deeper into.

For quite a while with a certain deck I kept getting themes of moving and marriage over and over.

I am currently single and have recently ended a very short relationship, I'm talking a week.

And moving? I've moved a number of 4 to 6 times since the last time that theme came up, back in 2014.

But I've always moved.

The cards seem to recognize this.

Essentially I read these as themes or patterns in specific areas of interest. They can be life related, spiritually related, etc. It all depends on what the spread/ reading is generally about.

I prefer general life path or spiritual path spreads. Even then still so much can be delved into, the majority of the time the spreads don't seem very general at all.

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