Undo a Blood Bond?

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Undo a Blood Bond?
Post # 1

Hi everyone,

I have a question from a friend that warrants some guidance. Without going into detail since this is not my situation to share, how would someone break a bond that was formed from using blood magick?

My initial suggestion is to create physical boundaries, like cutting off communication, avoiding them, etc. And then proceed with deep spiritual cleansing. But I would love to know if anyone else has any other suggestions?

Thanks for your time!

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Re: Undo a Blood Bond?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
The course one would take to undo such a bond will depend greatly on what was done originally.
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Re: Undo a Blood Bond?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I would usually recommend a symbolic/ritualized severing of ties as well. This is usually done by having two objects (one representing each person) tied to a thread, one tied to each end. Then making a formal declaration of separation while cutting said thread using a ritual blade or fire from a candle. I would use at least three threads personally, one each to represent the physical, mental, and spiritual bond being severed.

An example statement would be something like this: "Let bonds made be un-made. Let the ties be severed. Mind, body, and soul return to your own paths in peace."
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