Ariq's Profile

Member Info
Name: Ariq
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 26 Aug 2011
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Name: Ariq
Age: 15/16
Color: Yellow, Light Blue
Planet: Mercury
Stone: Blue Sapphire
Symbol: Sword, Dagger, Pentacle
Scent: Marjoram, Ciniquefoil, Mace, Lemon, Lavender, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Peppermint
Keywords: Learning, Organizing, research, knowledge, enlightenment, beauty, the mind, pride, vanity, sensuality, intelligence, justice, fairness, balance, favoritism, insight, indecision, communication, letters, writing, books, music, the arts.
Favorite Quotations:
Humankind cannot gain anything without giving something inreturn to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost. This is thelaw of equilant exchange.
Be confident, believe in yourself and be yourself
About Me: I have haunting experiences when I was young and I didn't know what to do. It was horrifying but it ended as I grew up. Now I'm not scared of it and I've learnt from my past experience that I can do this magick.
Experience: I'm a newbie to Magic, so I'm focusing on meditation and concentration.
Bad Experience: I once tried to do a strong spell even though I'm a newbie and I end up...mann can't describe was painful...So I'll do things of which I'm capable of.
Interest: Vampires and Werewolves(Not Twilight)