TerraBoy's Profile

Member Info
Name: TerraBoy
Location: Lisbon Portugal
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 22 Jan 2011
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I am...a very strange person, a mixture of things, trying to make my own path to happiness and to my goals, and Wicca, along many other things shall help me to achieve them. My wish is to study more of my own religion, to know it's full beliefs and the core of it all, to study other phenomena that are present in spirituality and in the physical world as well, I want to know the many TRUTHFUL components of reality. I really want to know what people are capable off, and if you don't tell me a decent explanation about how you do it and since when can you, and don't give me proof... Then I'm sorry. It's bullshit. I am straightforward, sometimes a harsh critic, I swear a lot, but it doesn't mean I'm angry. I try NOT to lie, but I do for protection even if I think it's a lie. I like to participate in intellectual debates about certain subjects, and I do my homework when I am to debate about them. So don't tell me it's a truth when there's no proof... There are exceptions of course.