DabriaScragg's Profile

Member Info
Name: DabriaScragg
Birthday: Apr 1 2002
Location: Does wishing I was in the woods count?
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 02 Jan 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello all. I'm Dabria Scragg. If I introduce myself as anything else to you, like Thora, I apologise. I have dissociative identity disorder and my medication has not been working recently. So, again, sorry.
About me:
Well, as I said, I have dissociative identity disorder. Many are confused by it but I've learned to accept it. It's gotten to the point where I can talk to them in my head and they are actually really nice people. They keep me from feeling lonely and sometimes I burst out laughing from a joke one of them makes in public by accident. I can't help but laugh more at their reactions, Thora and Damien laughing too. I know that makes me sound crazy, but I haven't been sent to an asylum so... Plus one for me!
Another thing is that I can control elemental magic in the astral plane, specifically fire. I don't do much with it because I rarely enter the astral plane, but I know I can use it. If you believe me, cool! If you don't believe me, cool! I can't change your mind on stuff like this, it's all up to you.
Stuff I know and can do:
1. Elemental Magic
2. Astral Projection
3. Can speak a little Russian
4. Can speak a little French
5. Can speak a lot of Spanish
6. I know a little mythology, but not much. I know about Medusa and Zeus, the classics.
Do you ever feel as if you can't be bothered to get out of bed, knowing the moment you do you will be blown up from the stress and anxiety?
Do you ever listen to the sounds of birds chirping and flying, knowing they are more free than you'll ever be?
Do you ever just stop to notice the people pointing and laughing, smiling and singing, having more fun without you?
Well, let me tell you something.
The moment you get out of bed is the moment you become brave, because you know what you will face and yet you still get up and face it. You are strong.
The moment you listen to those free birds is the moment you become perceptive, because your chains start to crack and crumble as you are able to realise what you want to be. You are intelligent.
The moment you notice all those people having a good time is the moment you become hopeful, because you begin to hope that you will be the one they will laugh and smile with. You are determined.
You are the best you can be. You are not weird, people are just ignorant of your ability. You have to show them that you can be so much more than they believe you are.
I believe in you.