Blackwand's Profile

Member Info
Name: Blackwand
Last Seen: Thu, 14 Dec 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello, I'm Blackwand I'm a fourteen years old male who has been studying magic for just about three years now. Only up until recently have I actually began practicing and even now I'm still learning leaps and bounds every day.
About me: I'm a clinically diagnosed psychopath and I protect anything of any value to me with my life humans and objects. I am like that of a black hole I used to shine bright among the darkness but my life collapsed and now all I see is the black and it seems I destroy all that I touch.
Ancestry: my blood flows with magick as I am related to the ancient Pagans of Ireland.
The spirit I have the strongest connection to is King Piamon (may he live forevermore) I have noticed his presence since before I started studying and practicing.
My spirit animal is a snake
My as sanity is fairly low at this point as I do work within the cuthulu mythos and I do worship the great old ones as well as the elder gods