OwlWizard's Profile

Member Info
Name: OwlWizard
Location: Mesa, AZ.
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 25 Oct 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am a Black Wizard. A "Black Wizard" is not one who practices or does harmful things to others. We are what is known as the protectors of the innocent who are being harmed by others. I have also been a student at the Grey School of Wizardry. I am friends with Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, and Skip Ellison. I have been practicing Magick since I was 14 years old. I am now almost 52. I am by no means a "Newbie". I have extensive knowledge on many levels. I am not Wiccan, nor do I subscribe to any specific religious beliefs or practices. My solitary practices range from Alchemy, a bit of Norse and Egyptian with a tad bit of Native American, though primarily Celtic Irish and Druidic. I have in past run a couple different covens, though moved and gave control to others. I have no desire now for the political issues of running a coven. I seek here only to make like minded friends and share knowledge.