DoveFeather's Profile

Member Info
Name: DoveFeather
Birthday: Dec 6 1995
Location: Finding peace
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 03 Dec 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello my name is DoveFeather
I believe that there is a higher being that watches over us. No matter what you call It/He/She, There will always be a higher being.
Whether it be Deities, Gods and Goddesses, Animal Totems, etc. We always have something or someone watching over our practices, Our life, our future and family.
We may not practice the same Magick, Worship the same beings. But, at the end of the day, we are just small creatures in the bigger picture of life.
Big and small we need to respect and care for other creatures in our lives.
Some things I'm trying to learn about:
*Herbal remedies
*How to open the third eye
*About higher beings in different practices
*Eventually I want to learn Spells