ElizabethT's Profile

Member Info
Name: ElizabethT
Location: Oklahoma/Texas
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 13 Aug 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi, I don't know what you want me to put here so I'll give the basics,
I'm an Indigo Child, or atleast that's what my psychic grandmother told me.
I have not practiced magick until recently, however I have collected spells over the the past four years.
I mostly focus my attention on latin spells and try to avoid 'transformation' spells.
Elvish incantations have also been brought to my atention and I find them intriguing.
Advice is appreciated.
I'm here if anyone just wants to'talk.
Anime, Magick, Family, My Horses, and Friends are the most important things to me currently. I can speak a total of five langages. And that's all I feel like telling strangers ._.
Bye, Eli.